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2) cause to undergo 使经历;使经受、遭受 E.g. The trainees were put through an exhausting assault course. 受训的队员参加了令人筋疲力尽的突击课程. Translate: 你让你全家受了不少苦. You have put your family through much suffering. 3) make a telephone connection for 接通电话线 E.g. Please put me / this call through to 5543322, extension 201. 请给我接5543322转201分机 0.0 * 2. throw one’s mind back to: recollect, recall to mind, bring to memory E.g. Please throw your mind back to 1945, when people all over the world were engaged in a great and cruel war against the Fascists. Translate: 他的故事使我想起另一个故事。 His story threw my mind back to another. 0.0 * Synonyms: remember, recall, recollect (shared meaning: “to bring an image or a thought back to the mind”) remember系常用词, 指过去的事情仍在记忆中, 不必费劲就能想起: “记住, 记得” E.g. I can’t remember his name. recall 指对自己或他人的过去进行有意的回忆: “回忆, 回想; 想起” E.g. Let me recall what he said. recollect 含义与 recall 接近, 但较为正式, 指“力图想起久已忘记或稍有点印象的事情” E.g. Looking at these old photos, he recollected the good old days. 0.0 * How do you understand Kipling’s…? Don’t become dizzy with success and be knocked down by failures ,knowing how to deal with them because they are interchangeable. 0.0 * Kipling 0.0 * The Jungle Book   KIPLING吉祥物小猴子,吉普林笔下脍炙人口的作品《丛林之书》中的主角 它讲述一个弃婴在森林中由百兽养大的故事,而被奉为吉祥物。 Kipling 系列休闲包,世界顶级品牌。 0.0 * sw?stik?] 0.0 * 3. Appearances are deceptive / deceitful. Never judge from appearances. [谚]外表不可靠; 不可只看表面现象。 Other useful expressions: You cannot tell from appearances that… 不能凭表象判断… keep up an appearance 装点门面, 装阔气 E.g. He was badly off, but he managed to keep up appearance. 他虽然穷,但总算保住了体面。 They cannot even keep an appearance of unity. 他们甚至连表面团结都维持不了。 0.0 * 4. imagination makes things out far worse: what one imagines tends to be worse than reality make out:see or understand esp. with difficulty 勉强看出、认出;理解 Translate: 黑暗中我看不清他的表情。 In the darkness I could not make out the expression on his face. 她这个人真怪! 我根本无法了解她。 What a strange person she is ! I can t make her ou


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