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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 颅脑MR冠状扫描图像 下次课内容:颌面、颈部断层解剖 1、胼胝体前层面 2、胼胝体膝层面 3、垂体层面 4、第三脑室层面 乳头体 5、大脑脚层面 6、侧脑室三角区 7、第四脑室层面 8、顶枕颞叶交界区层面 颅脑 MRIT1 冠状扫描图像 扣带沟缘支 旁中央沟 顶下沟 屏状核 claustrum 豆状核 Lentiform nucleus 尾状核 Caudate nucleus 额窦层面 额窦frontal sinus The coronal section through the frontal sinus frontal pole 额嵴层面 额下回inferior frontal gyrus The coronal section through the frontal crest 额下沟Inferior frontal sulcus 鸡冠crista galli 嗅束沟olfactory sulcus 鸡冠层面 The coronal section through the crista galli 大脑镰cerebral falx The coronal section through the maxillary sunus Cingulate gyrus The coronal section through the maxillary sunus Temporal pole Cingulate gyrus Cingulate sulcus The coronal section through the temporal pole Genu of corpus callosum Head of caudate nucleus Olfactory sulcus 隔区 septal area Optic n Anterior cerebral a The coronal section through the genu of corpus callosum 胼胝体下区 Subcallosal area Internal carotid a 视交叉optic chiasma Trunk of corpus callosum 垂体 The coronal section through the hypophysis 透明隔septum pellucidum 乳头体 mamillary body 穹隆fornix Inferior horn of lateral ventricle 海马hippocampus 侧副沟 anterior limb of internal capsule 杏仁体 amygdaloid body Precentral gyrus The coronal section through the mamillary body 黑质substantia nigra 终静脉terminal v 小脑幕tentorium of cerebellum 扣带沟 颞横回transverse temporal gyrus The coronal section through the red nucleus and substantia nigra acoustic radiation 小脑中脚 Central sulcus 侧副沟 collateral sulcus 小脑扁桃体tonsil of cerebellum hippocampus 外侧膝状体lateral geniculate body 颞横回transverse temporal gyrus The coronal section through the middle cerebellar peduncle 四叠体 quadrigeminal bodies 扣带回 cingulate gyrus 侧副沟collateral sulcus 穹隆脚 crus of fornix Central sulcus 缘上回 supramarginal gyrus 丘脑枕pulvinar The coronal section through the pineal body
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