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正常乳腺解剖与组织结构 Tubular secretory structure Alveolar secretory structure 管状分泌结构 泡状分泌结构 小b曾 not branch (a) Simple tubular (b) Simple branched (c) simple alveolar (d) Simple branched alveolar intestinal glare example in hamans (oil) glands gastic) glands 围 Compound alveolar (9) compound tubuloalveolar Example: mammary glands ample salivary glands =sut即pem=Dut =Secretory epithelium pynght e The MoGrsw-Hill Companies inc Pemission requ Vesicle releasing Pinched-off contents Secretion portion of cell Dying cell releases into duct in the secretion in duct secretory products Vesicle containing Replacement Cell shed secretory products Secretory cell products into the stored in duc the cell (a)Merocrine gland (b)Apocrine gland (c) Holocrine gland 局部分泌 顶浆分泌 全浆分泌 解剖 正常乳腺组织与X线解剖图对见图 乳房悬易(oopr则带) 分支扩管 病变与发生部个 末植导管 乳头状瘤 纤锥瘤,囊 病理学园地 霜款坏死 血管与淋巴引流 z Lymph nodes l node 前哨淋巴 Breas Mammary gland MADAM 终末导管小叶单位(TDLU ← Alveolus Areola tLactocytc Ducts and lobules Canrectve tissue Normal Duet TDLU Lobule ←Duct Terminal ductal-lobular unit Collecting Luminal cells Myoepithelial cells Fatty tissue 到 Stromal fibroblasts sement membrane TDL组织学 研线嘎改 x40 AS02 燃A 抻瘤发生的干细胞机制 A Self-renewing Stem-like cancer ce Tumor stromal cell restated Paracrine Epigenetic events


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