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西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文 过程、库水位变化过程、溃口横向扩展过程以及溃口底高程变化过程,将考虑渗流作用和 未考虑渗流作用的计算结果进行比较并与实测值进行比较。结果表明:考虑渗流作用的溃 坝过程比未考虑渗流作用的溃坝过程较剧烈,且考虑渗流作用时的溃坝过程与实际情况更 为接近。由此证明了渗流作用可以加剧砂砾石坝的溃决过程。在渗流作用下,坝体材料的 临界起动流速降低,从而影响坝体的冲刷过程,进而影响溃坝过程。 关键词:砂砾石坝;漫顶溃坝;渗流;试验研究;数值模拟 *本研究得到国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金(编号)项目资助 II I 西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文 were used to evaluate the dam breach process. Experimental research shows that: in the case where no drainage zone is set, the higher the water storage height, the more serious the seepage field, and the more severe the dam break process; when the water storage height is the same, the drainage zone can significantly improve the seepage field, the process of its failure is also relatively mild. Thus it can be seen that the seepage field in the early stage of the dam body has a relatively obvious impact on the dam break process. The worse the seepage field in the early stage, that is, the larger the volume of the dam body which was saturated before the dam breach occurred, the more violent the dam break process, which is specifically manifested in the increase of the peak discharge, the advance of the occurrence time of the peak discharge, and the reduction of the duration of the breach. This is because under the influence of the seepage field, the erosion resistance of the dam body is reduced, and the dam body is easier to be washed out. (1) In this paper, the formula of the critical velocity considering the seepage force was deduced by analysing the soil particles force on the slope. A dam breach model of the sand-gravel dam was established to study the effect of seepage on the dam breach process, and the corresponding calculation procedure was compiled. This study considered the Tangjiashan landsl


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