Digital Marketing Manage Your Facebook Content(Facebook内容运营) Manage Your Facebook Content(主页策划).ppt
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Manage Your Facebook Content 汇报人:顾锦江 2017年1月5日 江苏经贸职业技术学院 Pick the Topic 1 Find Your Participants 2 Create and Publish Your Post 3 目录 Contents 目录 Pick the Topic The first thing you need is a topic to create your list around. To get the best results you have to follow these three guidelines. Pick the Topic Make sure it’s something people will ‘brag’ about You want people to be flattered when they discover they are featured in your list. The more you feed their ego, the better. But keep it realistic and at a professional level. Pick the Topic Check that you can get enough content for at least 10 links I’ve generally found that the bigger the better. Making bigger lists means more work, but it pays off when you see the traffic arrive. Pick the Topic Don’t aim too high or too low You can have a few really big websites in your list, but generally you want to aim at websites around your level. Find Your Participants Now that you’ve found your topic it’s time to find the links and content for your post. Again I have a few guidelines to follow for the best results. Make sure every post you include is quality You do not want to include poorly written posts or junk websites. Your list needs to be good or people won’t give a damn about it. Find Your Participants A majority of your traffic will come from the participant’s followers so if you want traffic you need to choose websites with regular readers. The participants need to have a following Find Your Participants Again as with the topic: Don’t include huge brands or superstars. Include websites around your level that could be interested in some recognition. Aim realistically Find Your Participants Promote In The Comments With these 3 guidelines you’ll get good results in every niche. The actual search for participants should be an easy task. Google your topic and you’ll most likely find a lot of good candidates. Facebook, Twitter and other social sites are also good places to look as this
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