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PAGE PAGE 1 对口升学英语重点句型回顾 1.越来越多的人正在学习计算机。 More and more people are learning how to use computer. 2.天看起来黑沉沉的,好像要下雨了。 The sky looks dark,I’m afraid it is going to rain. 3.水在我们生活中起着重要作用。 Water plays an important part in our life. 4.邮局离这儿很远,你最好乘公共汽车去。 The post office is far away from here. You’d better go there by bus. 5.箱子太重,那孩子搬不动。 The box is too heavy for the child to carry. 6. 他用了两年的时间学弹钢琴。 It took him two years to learn to play the piano. 7. 毫无疑问未来属于年轻人。 There is no doubt that the future will belong to young people. 8. 如果你缺钱,就去向热心肠的李叔叔求助。 Go to your kind-hearted Uncle Li for help if you are short of money / if you lack of money. 9.我们定在本周六吧。 Let’s make/ fix it this Saturday. 10. 为了省时间,他决定寄特快专递。 He decided to send it by express mail in order to save time. 11. 我确信他与这次交通事故无关。 I’m sure that he has nothing to do with the traffic accident. 12 火车应该在10点到达,但是却晚点了一个在小时。 The train was supposed to arrive at 10:00, but it was an hour late. 13 多好的老师啊! 要不是他的帮助, 我就会完不成学业。 What a kind teacher! But for his help,I wouldn’t have finished my study. 14. 不要小看了我们,我们的投票是可以影响结果的。 Don’t take us for granted. Our votes can make a difference. 15. 他刚出门,雪就开始了。 He had hardly left home when it began to snow. Hardly had he left home when it began to snow. (否定词位于句首部分倒装主句) 16. 中国以其悠久的历史而闻名。 China is famous for its long history. 17.他昨晚直到十一点钟才睡觉。 He didn’t go to sleep until 11:00 last night. 18. 瞧,公共汽车来了,请大家排队上车。 Look, there comes the bus. Please take your turn to get on the bus. 19.无论数学有多难, 我哦也要学好它。 However hard math is, I’ll make up my mind to learn it well. No matter how hard math is, I’ll make up my mind to learn it well. 20.汤姆昨天没来上学的原因是他要去医院照看妈妈。 There reason why Tom didn’t go to school is that he had to look after his mother in hospital. 21. 妈妈听到这条消息过于激动,禁不住哭了起来。 Mum was so excited to hear the good news that she couldn’t help crying. 22. 你要将艰苦的工作变成兴趣。 You will turn hard work into your interest. 23. 我们在森林里迷路了。 We are lost in the forest. 24. 我们努力保持教室干净整洁。 We t


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