对口单招 第五册 unit one 第二课时 How to save money.ppt

对口单招 第五册 unit one 第二课时 How to save money.ppt

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WHEN I LACK MONEY, …… When I lack money,…… Unit 1 Reading and Writing How to Save Money Teaching aims: 1.说明性的文本,并能获取文中的细节信息。。 2. 学生通过本单元的学习,在实践技能上,能够根据自己的财政状况制定个人支出计划、省钱计划以及理财计划。 3.在情感态度上,对理财更加重视,懂得如何合理消费,学会未雨绸缪。 1. Read the section A and answer these questions: 1.What is this passage mainly about? 2. Why to keep a spending and savings Diary? 3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph? Skimming 1.What is this passage mainly about? 2. Why to keep a spending and savings Diary? 3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph? Skimming How to save money Have a clear picture of … see how your financial situation…., motivate you to… Take action and carry out plan Skimming for structure Para. 1 Para. 2 I II Para. 4 IV Para. 5 V III Para. 3 Skimming: Para. 1 Para. 2 I II Para. 4 IV Para. 5 V Leading Body Conclusion III Para. 3 Reading Passage A Skimming for general idea of the Three parts: Some tips on saving money are given. You feel short of money and don’t know where your money has gone. You should take action and carry out your finance plan. Part 1. (Para. 1) Leading: Part 2. (Para.2~4) Body: Part 3. (para.5) Conclusion: True or false 1. At the end of each month, you still have much money with you.( ) 2. It is not worth saving if you don’t have at least 1.000 Yuan a month. .( ) 3. Save one or two Yuan each day and you will have saved several hundred Yuan after a year. .( ) F F T Scanning for specific information Scanning for specific information True or false 4. Keeping a spending and savings diary can be a great way to motivate you to save more. .( ) 5. Having a very specific goal in mind can


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