泰坦尼克号 英文短剧台词.ppt

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TITANI You Jump Titanic 主演:13级工商管理1班 Titanic a Aside: Good evening, ladies and TITANI gentlemen. There is a ship You Jump America with thousands ofo called Titanic which is going people. At this time, a young man named Jack is betting with others to win tickets of Titanic ■旁白:晚上好,先生们女士们。 有一艘名叫泰坦尼克号的船正承 载千人前往美国。在这个时候, 位名叫杰克的年轻男子正试图 赢得泰坦尼克号的船票。 Titanic a Mathew(Jacks friend): Jack, you bet TITANI everything we have. You Jump Mathew( Jacks friend)杰克,你赌上 了我们所拥有的一切。 Jack: When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.、 Jack:如果你一无所有,你就没有什 么好输的了。 Jimmy(打牌对手): I cant believe you bet our tickets(对着 Jack说) Jimmy(打牌对手):我不相信你能赌 赢我们的船票 Titanic Jack: Tom? TITANI Jack:汤姆? You Jump Tom(对手朋友):Bet Tom(对手朋友):赌! Jack: All right. Somebodys life is about to change Mathew? ■Jack:好吧,一些人的生活将会 被改变,玛嗖? a Mathew: Nothing. ■ Mathew:不要 Titanic a Jack: Jimmy? TITANI Jack:吉米? You Jump Jimmy: Nothing. Jmmy:不要 Jack: Tom? Jack:汤姆? ■(Tom把牌示意出来,耸肩) Jack: Two pair, Im sorry Mathew Jack:两对,我很抱歉,玛嗖。 Mathew: Sorry Did you bet all our money? Mathew:抱歉?你赢走了我们所有的 钱? Titanic Jack: Im sorry, you re not going to TITANI see your mom again for a long time. You Jump Because were going to America. I am the winner,boys(一边说一边笑) Jack:我很抱歉,你可能很久时间内 都不能再去见你的妈妈了。因为我们 将要去美国了,我是赢家,兄弟们。 Jimmy抓住Jack的衣领,想要挥拳, 最后打了一拳Tom ■Jack: Come on,| m going home(对 着 Mathew说)、 Jack:拜托,我将要回家。 Titanic a Mathew: I go to America! TITANI Mathew我想去美国! You Jump ■(对手他们在厮打) Jack: Titanic goes to America, in five minutes. Come on Come on!(对着 Mathew说,一边说一 边示意 Mathew跟他走) ■Jack:泰坦尼克号就是去美国的, 五分钟后出发,快,快! Titanic Aside: At that. Jack and his friend TITANI board Titanic. At the same time a You Jump young lady called Rose who is boarding titanic with her future husband whom she doesn t love Because she doesn t want to live this life any more, she has a thought of sea suicide 旁白:在那,杰克和他的朋友登上了 泰坦尼克号。在同一时间,一个名叫 柔丝的年轻女子与她不爱的未来的丈 夫登上了泰坦尼克号。因为她不想在 这样生活下去,她有一个跳海自杀的 想法。 Titanic ■Jack: Don t do it TITANI Jack:不要那样做! You Jump Rose: Stay back. Dont come any cl


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