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维持伊朗核协议符合美国利益 Tillerson says in US interest to stay in Iran nuclear deal 来源: FT 中文网 2017-10-16 07:06 Rex Tillerson, secretary of state, on Sunday stressed that it was in the US national interest to remain in the Iran nuclear deal that is aimed at preventing Tehran from building nuclear weapons. 美国国务卿雷克斯 ?蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson) 周日强调,维持旨在阻 止德黑兰建造核武器的伊朗核协议符合美国的国家利益。 While defending Donald Trump ’decisions not to endorse the accord because of its perceived weaknesses, Mr Tillerson said he and the US president did not want Congress to reimpose sanctions on Tehran that could lead to the deal unravelling. 唐 纳 德 ? 特 朗 普 (Donald Trump) 上周以其所认为的弱点为由,拒绝承认伊朗遵守核协议。在为总统辩护的同 时,蒂勒森表示, 他和美国总统都不希望国会出台可能导致该协议被撕毁的新一轮对伊朗制 裁。 “Let’s see if we cannot address the flaws in the agreement by staying within the agreement, working with the other signatories, working with our European friends and allies within the agreement, ” he told CNN. “让我们看看, 能否不退出协议, 而是在协议 框架下与其他签约国合作、与我们的欧洲伙伴及盟友合作,来解决协议中存在的缺陷, ”蒂 勒森对美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN)说。 Mr Trump on Friday angered other signatories by refusing to certify that Iran was in compliance with the landmark nuclear deal — a determination that the president is required to make every 90 days under US law — in a move that puts the onus on Congress and US allies to attempt to find ways to save it from collapsing. It was signed in 2015 by Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the US, China, Russia, France and the UK — in addition to Germany and the EU. 特朗普上周五激怒了其他签约国, 因为他拒绝 证实伊朗遵守了具有里程碑意义的伊朗核协议——这是一项根据美国法律,总统每隔 90 天 必须作出的决定——此举迫使国会与美国的盟国尝试找出挽救协议的方法。该协议是在 2015 年签订的,缔约国是伊朗与联合国 (UN)五个常任理事国——美国、中国、俄罗斯、法 国及英国——还有德国和欧盟。 Mr Trump,


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