国际金融函电 项目四 撰写和处理合同履行函电 第六章 签约与履约.pptx

国际金融函电 项目四 撰写和处理合同履行函电 第六章 签约与履约.pptx

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Signing and Fulfilling the Contract 王慧 广州番禺职业技术学院 Learning Objective 1. To know the definition and types of contract 2. To understand the contents of sales contract 3. To master the language features of contract What’s contract? A contract is a formal written agreement which sets forth rights and obligations of the parties concerned. FUNCTION: 1.Creat a work relationship with the other party 2.Protect the interests of both parties 3.Minimize any conflicts of both parties 常见的书面文本 合同(contract) 确认书(confirmation) 协议(agreement) 备忘录(memorandum) 意向书(letter of intent) 订单(order) Type of contract 销售合同的订立 销售合同有三种签约方法: 1.出口商制作详细的销售合同文本,包括一般条款和特别条款,签字后邮寄两份或传真给进口商,进口商收到带有出口商签字的合同或合同传真件后,在上面签字,然后自己保留一份,另一份回寄或回传给出口商; 2.用形式发票代替销售合同,签约程序同上; 3.用销售确认书代替销售合同,签约程序同上。 销售合同的订立 签约与履约流程: 1.询盘 2.发盘 3.签订合同 4.申请开证 5.备货 6.订舱 7.出口报检 8.投保 9.出口报关 10.装运 11.国际收支网上申报 12.出口退税 13.进口结汇 14.进口报检 15.进口报关 16.提货 17.外汇检测系统网上申报 The structure of contract The structure of contract 1. Preamble of a contract:合同的前言(约首) It includes titles, number of contract, date and place for signing the contract, parties and preface. 包括合同的名称、编号、签约日期、签约地点 买卖双方的名称、地址、联系方式 序言等 Sample: Commercial Contract No. :______ Date:______ The Buyer: ____________________________________________ Cable Address: ________________ Telex: __________________ The Seller: ____________________________________________ Cable address: ________________ Telex: ___________________ This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stated below: The structure of contract 1.货物的名称条款 2.货物的品质条款 3.数量条款 4.价格条款 5.装运时间条款 6.保险条款 7.包装条款 8.运输标志 9.保证条款 10.检验索赔条款 11.支付条款 12.运输方式 13.不可抗力条款 14.仲裁条款 The structure of contract 合同的结尾是合同的最后条款,包括合同生效,合同使用的文字,补充条文和额外协议等。 This contract is made out in two originals, each copy written in Chinese and English languages, both texts being valid. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese



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