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河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 X市职教中心“双师型”教师绩效考核体系研究 摘 要 随着我国社会和经济的快速发展,教育事业也越来越受到重视,我国的中等职业教育处于不断发展和壮大过程中,国家对中等职业教育的从事人员也就是“双师型”教师的要求也越来越高,同时中等职业教育培养的是面向服务行业、管理、建设、生产等一线高等技术人才,这不仅要求中职学校的老师具有十分扎实的理论根基,还要具有丰富的实践经验。而“双师型”教师的概念是近些年才提出的,X市职教中心是培养优秀的“双师型”教师的最优越土壤。我国各级教育主管部门在“双师型”教师的能力方面也提出了更加严厉的要求,其考核必然趋向科学化,使得考核X市职教中心的“双师型”教师成为一项很重要的任务。 本文综合运用包括国内外文献研究与分析、实际情况的调查与研究等各种方式方法,研究双师型教师的绩效考核问题,分析存在的主要问题,进而针对问题提出改进的方法以促进X市职业教育中心的“双师型”教师考核体系更加科学化、制度化、规范化。通过对X职业教育中心“双师型”教师的绩效考核体系现状的实地研究,分析绩效考核系统在学校实践中存在着考核目的不明确、忽视平时考核、考核体系不科学、考核结果没有反馈、考核实施者不够全面等问题。最后针对性的提出了明确绩效考核目的、加强平时考核、完善绩效考核指标体系、注重绩效考核结果的反馈与应用等方面的对策。 关键词:中等职业教育,“双师型”教师,考核体系 “Double Qualified” Teacher Performance Appraisal System of Vocational Education Center Of X ABSTRACT In China, with the rapid development of social and economic, education has been paid more and more attention, Secondary Vocational Education is expanding now, so the requirements of “Double Qualified” teacher are increasingly high. The purpose of Secondary Vocational Education is to training the high-tech talents who engaged in the production, management, construction in Modern Enterprise. So the“Double Qualified” teachers not only have solid theoretical foundation knowledge but also have rich experience in practice. In recently years, people propose the concept of “Double Qualified” teacher, and Vocational Education Center of X trained is a school who training “Double Qualified” teachers for our country. Now the department of education is put forward strict requirements to the Vocational Education school. So the requests to the “Double Qualified” teacher are more and more strict now. Double Qualified teacher of secondary vocational schools is become a hot topic. Using the principle of the theories of administration, this paper discusses the problems of current performance appraisal system, I analysis the problems of Double Qualified” teacher performance appraisal system of Vocational Education Center of X, try to put forward some opinions and suggestions for t


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