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. M2 1. 中国大使馆 The Chinese Embassy 2. 商务参赞出 Commercial Counsellor ’s Office 3. 商会 chamber of commerce 4. 一家经验丰富的纺织品出口商 a well-experienced exporter of textiles 5. 中国进出口商品交易会 Chinese Import Export Commodity Fair 6. 小型交易会 small scale 7. 业务范围 business scope 8. 出口清单 an export list 9. 询价单 Inquiry sheet 10. 办理答复 for attention and reply 1.在平等互利、互通有无的基础上 on the basis of equality,mutual benefit exchange of needed goods 2. 贸易政策 trade policy 3. 保兑的信用证 a confirmed letter of credit 4. 付款条件 terms of payment 5. 享有良好声誉 enjoy a good reputation 6. 大连分公司,总公司 Dalian Branch Office,Head office 7. 国有公司,私有 a government-owned/private corporation ;. . M3 1. 具体询盘 specific inquiry 2. 初次询盘 the first inquiry 3. 交货期 delivery date 4. 批发商 / 零售商 wholesaler/ retailer 5. 带有插图的目录册 illustrated catalogue 6. 具有竞争性的价格 competitive price 7. 商机 business chance 8. 折扣 discount 9. 一般性询盘 general inquiry 10. 交易条款与条件 terms and conditions 1.以……为受益人 in your favor 6.样本 sample books 2.佣金 a commission of 3% 7.实盘 (non)firm offer 3.现货供应 supply from stock 8.必威体育精装版价格 the latest price list 4.交货 effect delivery 9.主要经销商 the leading dealer 5.提货 take delivery ;.



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