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* * * * * * * * * * * * NOTICE Student union We will hold an important meeting for all of the student cadre in the office of the Youth League Commission at 4 oclock pm. on Friday this week. Please do not be late or absent. Cadre 英[?kɑ:d?(r)] 美[?k?dri] 干部,骨干 * 什么是通知? 通知是上级对下级或组织对成员部署工作、召开会议或传达信息等使用的一种应用文。 通知可分为口头通知和书面通知。 * 如何写英文Notice 1)标题 每个字母可以用大写NOTICE 常写在正文上方的正中位置 * 2)正文: 通知的五要素 时间: When 地点: Where 内容: What 参与者: Who 目的: Why * 3)落款 发出通知的人或单位的名称,一般写在正文后面的右下角 * 写作三部曲 第一步:构建框架,谋篇布局 第一部分:介绍讲座的内容、时间、地点和人物等 use English words and expressions (key points) 第二部分:对同学们提出要求 (It is required that…) * 第二步:打造亮句,增色文章 段首常用句: All…are requested to/ are expected to/ are welcomed to… Notice is hereby given that... (特此通知) A meeting on… is to be held at… A lecture will be given by… on… * 段尾常用句: Everybody is expected to attend it. Be sure to attend it on time. Please/ Do be present on time. All are welcome. Come to the great fun! Dont miss the chance. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. Those who want to join us, please sign up at the Student Union. * 第三步:串句成文,保证流畅(模板) Notice In order to ____, _____ is to be held on _____ (day), _______(date), at______(time) in ________(place). Whoever is interested in it is welcome to attend ______. Those who want to take part in ________ please sign up at the Student Union. Please remember: _____________. Student Union * 范例1: 请你以学校总务处的名义写一份有关召开室长会议的通知。 时间:4月8日下午2:00 地点:2号楼206室 内容:如何确保宿舍安全;如何改善住宿条件; 如何贯彻宿舍纪律;宣布家长探视时间的变化 与会人员:全体室长 要求:带笔记本做好记录; 会后将会议内容传达给室友 * NOTICE A dormitory leader meeting ______


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