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Unit 7 1. at work 在工作 31. come down to our house 来我 的家 2. have a shower 淋浴 32. knock at/on the door 敲 3. eat dinner 吃晚 33. fall down 摔倒 4. sit in his favourite chair 坐在他最喜 的椅子上 34. in the whole of our town 在我 整昨城 5. read the paper 看 35. keep shouting 一直叫 6. watch television 看 36. run rings 着圈跑 7. go to bed 去睡 37. stone deaf 完全 了 8. a boring man 一个乏味的人 38. mind doing sth. 介意做某事 9. on the building site 在建筑工地上 39. be married to sb. 和? 婚 10. high up in the clouds up in the air 高高地站在云里 ,站在空中 40. instead of 代替 11. make a building 造楼房 41. would like to do 想做某事 12. fix a crane 修吊 42. as usual 像往常一 13. walk on a narrow plank 走在窄窄的板条上 43. do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙 14. write a poem 写一首 44. break down 破坏 15. write these verses on my own 我自己写了 些 句 45. a couple of days 几天,两天 16. be pleased with ?? 意 46. make/ accept/ reject a suggestion 提出 /接受 /拒 建 17. want to talk about the school 想来 学校 47. What’ s the matter with ? ? ?怎么了? 18. be sometimes cross 有 候会 脾气 48. Why don ’ t we do sth. ? 我 什么不做某事呢 19. pay attention 注意,思想集中 49. Let ’ s do sth.. 我 做某事 20. scold pupils in his class 在 堂上 斥学生 50. feel like doing 想做某事 21. put them in detention 他 留校 51. go bowling 打保 球 22. be like 像 ?? 52. go skating 去滑冰 23. help in every way 在很多方面都会 予帮助 53. go for a snack 去小吃 24. love chatting with her class 喜 和她的学生一起聊天 54. have a pain in one ’ s stomach 胃痛 25. seem like play 像是玩耍 have a stomach-ache 26. be puzzled by my words 我的 感到迷惑 55. take some medicine for ? 吃?的 27. be similar to 与?相似 56. lie down 躺下 28. be different from 与?不同 57. put the book back on the shelf 把 放回 架 29. keep lively 持久活 58. be frightened of ? 害怕? 30. hate being bored 无聊 59. feel sick 得不舒服 词性转换 1. building n. build ( built, built ) v. 2. teacher n. teach (taught, taught ) v. 3. home n. homeless adj. 4. work v. n. worker n. 5. favourite adj. favour n. 6. boring adj. bored adj. 7. own v. adj. owner n. 8. help v. n. helpful adj. 9. puzzled adj. puzzle v. 10. explain v. explanation n. 11. real adj. really adv. 1


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