What makes a bad presentation国际交流国际交流英文演讲与辩论英文演讲与辩论.pdf

What makes a bad presentation国际交流国际交流英文演讲与辩论英文演讲与辩论.pdf

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Academic Communication English What Makes a BAD Presentation? Learning Guide • To have an overview of what makes an ineffective presentation; • To spot the mistakes in a poor presentation; • To assess your own weaknesses in making a presentation; • To understand the effects of bad presentation habits. What makes a presentation so unforgettably boring ,including preparation, topic, structure, visuals (if any), delivery, speaker’s appearance or personality etc.? • little eye contact with the audience • slides full of bullet points • bad topics • unnatural • apology Let’s Watch! What’s wrong with this presentation? While watching, take notes about the problems. Does she make the following irritating mistakes? • overwhelming/irrelevant pictures • reading solely from scripts and notes in hands • reading the bullet points on slides word for word • disorganized speech • little or no eye contact • too many distracting animations/ transitions • text-heavy slides • templates full of bullet points 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料 Does she make the following irritating mistakes? • overdone acting • not checking equipment beforehand/ unsure of how to use technology at the beginning • lack of continuity between slides or sections • abrupt ending without summary or questions • audience not given the chance to answer questions • speaking too fast • mumbling Does she make the following irritating mistakes? • memorizing the material, lacking the true understanding of it • no enthusiasm for the subject, looking bored or disinterested • inappropriate body language • monotonous voice • bad choice of background color • inconsistent font style • charts impossible to see Self - reflection! • Mistakes I should avoid in MY presentation? • How these mistakes affect my presentations? 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料 Th


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