双语教学资源 高速铁路工程概述 IntroductionofCivilEngineering.ppt

双语教学资源 高速铁路工程概述 IntroductionofCivilEngineering.ppt

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Introduction of Civil Engineering 石家庄铁路职业技术学院 Introduction of Civil Engineering Civil engineering is defined as a general discipline (学科) of science and technology to build all engineering construction and facilities(工程建筑与设施). 土木工程是建造各类工程设施的科学技术的总学科 。 Introduction of Civil Engineering It includes all construction objects, i. e. buildings, transportation facilities, infrastructures(下部结构), etc., and materials as well as profession required during the processes of design, construction, and maintenance 维修(维护、养护) . superstructures 上部结构 它既指工程施工的对象,如高楼、交通设施,下部结构、施工材料等,也指进行的勘测设计、施工、保养、维修(维护、养护)等技术。 Introduction of Civil Engineering Civil engineering is the broadest disciplines in engineering fields, extending across many technical specialties that are not independent but interact with(相互作用) each other. 土木工程是工程领域里的最大分支,外延所包括很多的学科之间,不是相互独立而是相互联系的。 Introduction of Civil Engineering Over the past couple of decades, the broad field of civil engineering has been specialized in a number of areas. 在过去的几十年里,在土木工程的广泛领域里,又划分出了多个专业 。 Introduction of Civil Engineering Major specialties within civil engineering are: ? Structural engineering(结构工程 ); ? Water resources engineering 水利资源工程 ; ? Environmental engineering 环境工程 ; ? Transportation engineering 交通运输工程 ; ? Surveying engineering 测量工程 ; ? Geotechnical engineering(岩土工程 ). Introduction of Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Structural engineering deals with the design and construction of all types of structures including buildings(房建) and bridges (桥梁) . 结构工程解决的是包括房建与桥梁在内的所有结构的设计与施工问题。 Introduction of Civil Engineering Structural Engineering The job of structural engineers is to create the new designs or to evaluate and improve the load resistance capabilities(承载力) of existing structures which may have been damaged during an earthquake(地震). 结构工程师的任务是创造新的设计,或者是对在地震中可能受到破坏的既有结构物的承载力进行评估和改造。 Introduction of Civil Engineering Buildings Introduction of Civil Engineering Lu-pu Bridge Introduction of Civil Engineering S


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