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stressed t hat prom oting the com prehe nsive revitalization shoul d focus on e conomic construction as the ce ntral focus with, pay special atte ntion t o grasp t he impleme ntation of five development conce pts, deepeni ng reform and promoti ng the all -round openi ng up, ensuri ng and improvi ng pe opl es livelihood, stre ngthen t he constructi on of ecological civili zation, five priorities, play devel opme nt mix. To wit h ne w devel opme nt concept measure work , and comma nd a ction, and traini ng cadre s, in im plement implementation ne w devel opme nt concept in t he l ooki ng for opport unitie s, and buil d hig hlights, a nd ex pand adva ntage; to full dee peni ng reform, break bound the aspe cts create d vitality of system mechanism obsta cles; to active a dvance full a spe cts openi ng, partici pation i n the cast Russian E conomic Corri dor constr ucti on; t o guarante es and improve d liveli hood, strongly won poverty battle ; to stre ngtheni ng e col ogical civilizati on constructi on, for sustai nable devel opme nt reserve d spa ce, for fut ure generati ons l eft sky blue, and to gree n, and water c lear of better homes. We must i n-dept h impleme nt implementati on new development concept , insi sted to e conomi c construction for Ce nter, firmly ca ught dev elopment thi s first priority, absorbe d make constr ucti on, heart no distra ctions caught development, spee d up deve lopme nt six big i ndustry, in-de pth impleme ntation three big e ngineering, a ctive create two big envir onment, out of a arti cle quality more high, a nd be nefits better, and struct ure more excellent of transformation devel opment of road. o stre ngthe n ecologi cal constructi on. On March 22, t he deep restr uct uring examine d and adopte d the opinion on perfecting compensati on me cha nism of ecologi cal pr otection, pr opose d to expl ore the esta blishment of diversifie d ecologi cal compe nsation mechani sm, progressive realizati on of forests, grasslands, w


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