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溶洞型旅游地生命周期特点初步研究 李 睿  章珠娥 (浙江大学地球科学系,浙江杭州 310028) 摘 要:目标 研究溶洞型旅游地生命周期特点,分析影响溶洞型旅游地生命周期原因,并提出溶洞型旅游地 开发、经营若干相关提议.方法 以瑶琳洞自1980年开放以来历年游客量统计数据为基础,结合中国其它溶洞 年游客量改变情况,归纳总结溶洞型旅游地生命周期特点.结果 溶洞型旅游地生命周期通常表现出以下特 点:1)自开发后直接进入快速发展阶段,游客量往往在正式开放后第3~4年达成最大值;2)由发展阶段直接进入衰 落阶段,没有巩固和停滞阶段;3)经过一段时期快速衰落后,年游客量将逐步趋于稳定.结论 溶洞型旅游地 生命周期表现出先快速增加、再快速回落,随即又趋于稳定模式. 关键词:瑶琳洞;溶洞;旅游地;生命周期 中图分类号:F590.3;P931.5  文件标识码:A  文章编号:1001-7119 (20XX)06-0497-05 The Preliminary Research on the Life Cycle of Karst-cave Tourist Areas LIRui  ZHANG Zhu-e (Department of Earth Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China) Abstract:Objective This paper aimed at exploring the characteristics of the life cycle of Karst-cave tourist areas, analyzing the factors affecting the life cycle and giving some suggestions about the development and management of Karst-cave tourist areas. Methods Based on the yearly number of tourists visiting Yaolin Cave since 1980,and combined with the data of other domestic Karst-caves, the characteristics of the life cycle of Karst-cave tourist areas were summarized.Results It was found that the life cycle ofKarst-cave tourist areas have the following characteristics: 1. After being developed, theywere goingto enterthe develop- ment stage directly. The yearly number of tourists would reach the maximum after 3~4 years of opening. 2. From then on, they directly entered the decline stage, without experiencing a growth stage and a stagnation stage. 3. After a period of quick decline, the annual number of tourists tended to stabilize.Conclusions The life cycle of Karst-cave tourist areas showed a up-down-stable mode. Key words: Yaolin 0 引 言 旅游地生命周期理论是描述旅游地演进重 要理论,通常认为该理论最早于1963年由W.Chri- staller在研究欧洲旅游发展时提出,也有些人认为它 起源可上溯到1939年E.Gilbert《英格兰岛屿 和海滨疗养胜地成长》一文,1978年Stansfield在 对美国大西洋城研究中也提出了类似模式.但 现在大多数学者认为该理论是1980年由加拿大学 者R.W.Butler在《旅游地生命周期概述》一文中作 了系统叙述[1~4].Butler认为旅游地发展通常要 经历探查(exploration)、参与(involvement)、发展(de- velopment)、巩固(growth)、停滞(stagnation)、衰落 收稿日期:20XX-07-01 作者介绍:李 睿,男,1965年生,贵州织金人,博士,副教授;章珠


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