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摘要 传统的物流管理是通过手工方式开展的,数据建立在纸面单据和手工报表 上,信息获取滞后,物流过程的准确性和执行性都很差,导致企业生产效率低 下、库存积压严重影响经营效益。针对生产管理的效率和规范性问题,迫切需 要在生产物流管理中实施信息化系统,创造更好的效益。 本论文对生产物流管理模式、信息技术在企业生产物流管理中的应用进行 研究。在对电机企业充分调研的基础上,分析其功能性需求和非功能性需求, 运用建模的方式进行了信息化系统的总体设计,包括体系架构设计、功能结构 设计、网络拓扑设计、非功能性设计和数据库设计。并通过多种测试方法对系 统的功能和性能进行测试,系统测试效果良好,最后组织了系统的上线实施工 作。 信息化系统的实施应用,使物流活动对企业管理需求作出快速响应,大大 提高了生产效率。而且,根据信息技术特点,对供应链管理、生产管理、企业 内部的物流管理进行了重新的思考、调整和优化,部门内部和部门之间的工作 更加规范、协调、有序,工作绩效考核机制有效的开展,全面提升了企业的整 体管理水平和经营效益。而且这种模式和经验在我国中小型制造企业间应用和 传播,将对我国制造业改善环境,提升水平,成为真正意义上的制造大国有着 深远的意义。 关键词:生产物流信息化快速响应企业应用 Abstract The traditi onal product ion logistics man ageme nt is carried out by manual methods, all the data based on paper docume nts and manual reports, access to in formati on lag, accuracy and execution of logistics processes are very poor, resulting in inefficient production, inven tory backlog, seriously affecti ng operati ng efficie ncy. For efficie ncy and sta ndardability of product ion man ageme nt, and the urge nt n eed is the impleme ntati on of in formati on systems in product ion logistics man ageme nt, in order to achieve the in tegratio n and shari ng of producti on logistics in formati on, i mprove producti on efficie ncy, coord in ate, sta ndardize producti on order to create better efficie ncy. This paper researched on the mode of producti on logistics man ageme nt, and the applicati on of in formati on tech no logy in en terprise producti on logistics man ageme nt. Based on full inv estigati on of the motor en terprises, an alyzed the fun cti onal requireme nts and nonfunctional requireme nts, desig ned the gen eral in formati on system by model, i nclud ing system architecture desig n, functional desig n , n etwork topology desig n, non-fun cti onal desig n and database desig n . The system fun cti on ality and performa nee test ing is going well, on-line system implementation is organized by writer at last. As the information systems is running in the production logistics management, the resp onse of logistics ac



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