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Pronuncing Standard American American english Part 4 Practicing Specific Consonant Sounds U and r The[ sound In English all L sounds are written with the same IPa symbol. So, we don t really teach a light L and a dark l, but in practice there are two l sounds depending on the position of the I sound in the word 所有英攵L的發音都用相同的國際音標符號書寫,所以我 們並不是真的要教 light L和 dark L兩種發音·但實際 上根據L在字中的位置有兩種發音。 The [u sound How to make the[ sound如何發[l]音 To make the sound, place the tip of your tongue lightly against the tooth ridge where it touches the gum. Lower both sides of your tongue and let the voiced breath spread escape over the sides of the tongue. This sound is called a lateral because the sound escapes from the mouth on each side of the tong ue,把 放低’讓聲音從舌頭的兩邊發岀去’這種聲音稱爲有聲子音的 邊(側)音·因爲這聲音是從舌頭兩側發出的。 The phonetic symbol for this sound is the same as the alphabet letter[u] and // 在語音學上的符號是跟字母一樣的 Making the [u Sound The letter L actually has two sounds. They are L as in love the more common of the two and l as in milk The difference between the two is basically where you put the tip of your tongue with the more common L sound. Put the tip of your tongue directly behind your upper front teeth Can you feel the bump behind your teeth? Your tongue tip should be with the space between that bump and your forefront teeth the tip of your tongue is all that should be touching anything. Now pull your tongue back and say“L love 含上有吨個音过個是 总這棘像套腰 的擺放位置 囹 舌頭捲到後面’然後說LL The[ sound Tongue position to make the [u sound 舌頭的位置與[的發音 /acadtech/phonetics/# 叮 Sound Heres the tip. there are two mistakes that you might be making with the l sound. You may not be bringing your tongue all the way up to touch the roof of your mouth this causes the l to sound a little like the r. the other is that you may be bringing your lips together, rather than keeping them open this will make the L sound more like a w. Watch yourself in the mirror to be sure that y


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