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国开电大管理英语 3单元自测 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F )有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站题目 ;题目:一 — No, sorry, I did nt know the rule about PUnChing in。 :Are you late this morning, Wen dy? ;Didnt you PUnCh out this morning, Wen dy? ;Didn’t you PUnCh in this morning, Wen dy?; ;题目:一 I SUPPOSe there’ll be a lot of argume nts. :I should imag ine so。 ;No problem. ;Thats a good idea。; ;题目:一 I WiSh you SUCCeSS in your career。 :Go ahead. ;It does nt matter。 ;The Same to you.; ;题目:一 rm leav ing for Shan ghai tomorrow. :See you later. ;HaVe a PleaSa nt trip! ;Lets go out for a drink。; ;题目:一 Who should be respon sible for the accide nt? - The boss, not the workers. They just Carried out the order 。 :as are told ;as told ;as they told ; ;题目:一 —We have three major divisio ns: OPerati ons, Sales and Market ing, FinanCeand Adm ini Strati on. :How many departme nts do We have? ;WhiCh divisio n are you in? ;WhiCh departme nt shows the best?; ;题目: A bus driver the Safety of his PaSSengers. :is resp On sible in ;is resp On sible for ;is resp On sible to ; ;题目: A number of boys absent some time during the term。 :have bee n ;has bee n ;Will ; ;题目: He will Write to me as Soon as he home. :will have retur ned ;; ;;;returns ;will return ; ;题目:I am :looking forward to ;look ing forward ;look forward to ; your early coming。 ;题目:LeaVe the reference books beh ind, you wont be able to think in depe nden tly. :or ;and ;so ; ;题目: My friend inVited me :join ;to join ;joi ning ; ;题目:The key Strategy to the whole compa ny。 :to the art club, and I accepted it With PIeaSUre SUCCeSSfUI impleme ntatio n is clearly com muni Cat ing the ;in ;of ; ;题目: The Programme gives StUdents the to Iearn more about global Warmi ng. :SUCCeSS ;ambiti On ;opport Un ity ; ;题目: ThiS is the man last night。 :whom I SaW him ;whom I SaW ;who I SaW him ; ;二、翻译 为下面的句子选择正确的翻译(每题 10分)。 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 If you are Smart eno ugh, and have got ambiti On and keep PUSh ing forward, you Can rise to the top of your chose n PrOfeSSi on. {A; B; C} 如果你足够聪明,有野心和继续推进,那么你就可以得到你选择的


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