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脑梗塞 schemic Stroke 急性脑血管病事件 Ischemic Stroke ●●● The first peoples Hospital of zhaotong City cerebrovascular division LinLin.zhao What do we need to know.., 123 Definition and classification Vascular anatomy Mechanism 4 Clinical features 5 Diagnosis and differentiate diagnosis Treatment Definition What Is a Stroke? World Health Organization (WHO) has defined stroke as igns of focal (at times global) disturbance of cerebral function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death with no apparent cause other than at of vascular origin What Is a Ischemic Stroke deprivation of blood flow to an area of the brain, generally as a result of thrombosis, embolism or reduced blood pressure Classification of Ischemic Stroke Atherothrombotic cerebral infarction (动脉粥样硬化性血栓性脑梗死) 2 Cerebral embolism (脑栓塞 Lacunar infarction (腔隙性脑梗死) Cerebral watershed infarction (分水岭脑梗死) Vascular Anatomy The brain is perfused by the carotid and vertebral arteries Anterior circulation carotid artery etc m--Posterior circulation: vertebrobasilar artery Arteries of brai Circle of willis- Vessels Dissected Out MwBTTuNerirasxar P v1x T2ILl124 aLa Anatomy of the brain Arteries of brain .Deliver oxygen, glucose and Frontal section other nutrients and remove carbon dioxide lactic and other metabolic products. edial and lteral .Only 2 %oof total body weight, sula island or Rein receive 15%o of the cardiac output of the blood And consume 25 oof the total inspired Oxygen. Four major arteries to form the (sera circle of willis ral arteries s How does it happen? nternal carotid artery EXternal carotid artery Atherosclerotic mural Emboli Total esions thrombus occlusion Clinical manifestations Stroke Test: Talk, Wave, Smile EAST sktorasmile Arm does one side Speech am-Canthepersoncepeata simple sentence? ime-------Time is critical Clinical manifestations Ischemic syndromes of specific vessels depend on the site of th



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