人教版英语《小学英语五年级上册recycle 1》课件.ppt

人教版英语《小学英语五年级上册recycle 1》课件.ppt

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单击上一页回幻灯片9即夺红旗页面。 * 教师可请学生在括号内输入Y或N表示对或错即可。 * 单击上一页回幻灯片9即夺红旗页面。 * * 小组对话。 * 教师可请学生根据实际情况在方框内输入答案。 * 图片帮助学生了解不同的party,给学生直观感受。 * Look and say Would you like …? What do you have on …? What’s your favourite food? eggplant green beans salad carrots fish Hambur- gers eggplant celery cabbage and tofu potatoes eggplant green beans tomatoes chicken apples bananas grapes cake Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. 这是第2课时的内容 删除 Rearrange the words is My strong. teacher very Chinese mom and is Mike’s pretty. young our is Liu teacher Mr new art math like We young our Teacher. 1) 2) 3) 4) My Chinese teacher is very strong. Mike’s mom is young and pretty. Mr Liu is our new art teacher. We like our young math teacher. We have English on ______, _____ and _____. We have music on ______. We have P.E. on ______ and ______. We have art on ______. Listen and write the numbers 1 3 5 4 2 5 3 Monday 1 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2 3 4 5 6 7  What用途真广泛,要问“什么”它当先。  问“姓名、职业”也在前(What’your name?∕What’s your father?)。  还可用于问“时间”(What time is it?)  How开头是“问安”(How are you?)  也可把交通方式来询问。(How do you go to school?)  How much∕How many是多少?  问“谁”要用who,whose是“谁的”。  询问某地用where,when把时间来代替。 Who is your … teacher? What is he / she like? What do you do on …? What’s your favourite food? 小 结 “报纸”,顾名思义是印在纸上的报道或新闻。不谋而合的是,英文中的“报纸(newspaper)”,也是由news(新闻)+paper(纸)构成。然而,何谓“新闻”呢?英文“news”一字便是答案。“news”去掉字母s,便解作“新的”。而new(新的)恰巧又是由north(北方)、east(东方)和west(西方)的第一个字母构成。四方中,只缺south(南方)。于是,加上south(南方)的第一个字母,就成了“新闻(news)”。可见,news(新闻)是来自东西南北的“新消息”。 “newspaper”的构成 Lesson 2 唱一唱 说一说 模拟采访 学唱歌 扑克牌游戏 夺红旗比赛 练一练 小结 形形色色的Party What would you like to eat ? What would you like to eat ∕ drink ? Name:_____________ Favourite food:______ Favourite drink:______ ___________________ What would you like to eat ? What would you like to drink ? Interview your classmates What do you do on weekends? Present your description to your classmates Cool! I see. His favourite food is …. On Saturdays he often plays foot



创新就是动力 + 关注


