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GY公司员工绩效考核体系的研究 河北工业大学硕士学位论文 GY 公司员工绩效考核体系研究 摘 要 房地产企业竞争力的提升越来越依赖于公司员工的知识和能力。对公司员工 实施科学有效的绩效考核,建立科学的激励政策及员工生涯规划是提高企业竞争 力、不断吸引人才、激励员工的重要基础。要在人才市场的竞争中赢得主动,企 业必须不断规范化各项管理制度,逐渐建立以能力和绩效为基础的评价体系和奖 酬激励体系。 GY房地产公司目前正处于快速发展阶段,随着公司业务的迅速发展,员工 队伍不断壮大,在高速发展中暴露出了企业项目管理、人员管理等相关制度的薄 弱,原有企业管理制度已经不能适应市场竞争形势及公司发展所带来的变化。特 别是在员工绩效考核方面,公司原有考核的目的仅仅是为了发放奖金,而且考核 方法单一,没有考核反馈,员工对考核工作存在不满和抵触情绪。所以 GY公司 需要一套规范的员工绩效考核体系来支撑企业进一步健康快速发展。 本文针对 GY 公司员工绩效考核中存在的问题,运用绩效管理相关理论对 公司目前的绩效考核体系进行了分析,就公司员工绩效考核的目的、原则、程序 等做出了明确的界定。通过进行工作分析等工作,分别建立了 GY公司员工职务 说明书及部门职责说明文件,在此基础上,利用关键绩效指标法构建了员工绩效 考核指标体系,形成了一岗一表的考核模式,实现了员工绩效考核体系的系统化 和规范化。本绩效考核体系的建立和实施对 GY 公司的发展具有重要的意义, 经过企业一段时间的实践,取得了良好的效果。 关键词:绩效管理,绩效考核,关键绩效指标,绩效反馈,绩效结果应用i GY公司员工绩效考核体系研究 RESEARCH OF THE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM OF THE GY COMPANY ABSTRACTThe improvement of competing ability of the real estate industry rely on the knowledge and capability of employees more and more. To attact excellent persons, motivate employee and improve competences of enterprise continuously, the effective system of performance evaluation, scientific institution of motivation and management of career paths are needed in enterprises. Only by founding systems of performance evaluation and motivation compensation based on capacity and performance, can the company obtain advantages in the competition of human resource marketsThe GY real estate company is developing fastly, its business and staff are becoming expanding at the same time. However, it put too much attention on the speed of development, the problem of the weakness of the system of human resource management arises. Simultaneously, the original management system, especially the evaluation of employee performance is not suitable to the situation that has changed with the development of the market and enterprise. The original goal of evaluation in GY real estate company is merely to distribute item bonus, and the method is single and lack of feedback. These cause the empl


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