宏观经济 第29章货币制度(题目+答案+详解)(1).doc

宏观经济 第29章货币制度(题目+答案+详解)(1).doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 货币制度 1. Which of the following functions of money is also a common function of most other financial assets? A.a unit of account B.a store of value C.medium of exchange D.None of the above is correct. 2. Which of the following is not included in either M1 or M2? A.U.S. Treasury bills B.small time deposits C.demand deposits D.money market mutual funds 3. Credit cards A.defer payments. B.are a store of value. C.have led to wider use of currency. D.are part of the money supply. 4. Which of the following is included in both M1 and M2? A.savings deposits B.demand deposits C.small time deposits D.money market mutual funds 5. The legal tender requirement means that A.people are more likely to accept the dollar as a medium of exchange. B.the government must hold enough gold to redeem all currency. C.people may not make trades with anything else. D.All of the above are correct. 答案:BAABA 解析: 1B:计价单位(a unit of account):用来表示价格和记录债务的标准 交换媒介(medium of exchange):购买商品时给卖家的东西 价值储藏手段(a store of value):把现在的购买力转化为未来的购买力的东西,而货币并不是经济中唯一的价值储藏手段,股票、债券等也是价值储藏手段。 2A:M1和M2 是美国经济中货币存量的两种衡量标准。 M1:活期存款(demand deposit)+旅行支票(traveler’s checks)+其他支票存款(other checkable deposits)+通货(currency) M2:M1(活期存款、旅行支票、其他支票、通货)+储蓄存款(saving deposits)+小额定期存款(small time deposits)+货币市场共同基金(money market mutual funds)+几种不太重要的项目(a few minor categories) 3A:信用卡(Credit card):信用卡并不是一种货币量的衡量指标。信用卡不是一种支付方式,而是一种延期支付方式。(the credit cards are not really a method of payment but a deferring payment)使用并提高信用卡的普及程度可以减少人们选择持有的货币量。 借记卡(Debit card):借记卡上的账户余额包括在货币量的衡量中。借记卡更类似于支票而不是像信用卡。(the account balance that lie behind debit cards are included in measures of the quantity of money.a debit card is more similar to a check than to a credit card) 1. Which of the following entities actually executes open-market operations? a. the Board of Governors b. the New York Federal Reserve Bank c. the Federal Open Market Committee d. the Open Market Committees of the regional Federal Reserve Banks 2. Decisions by policymakers concerni


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