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Module 3  Things around us Unit 3  Changes (1) Ⅰ. Read and write  (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和 点符号)  : please  put  the  money  in  the  red  packet  all  right _____________________________________________________________ . Look and write (看一看,写一写,每 一 ;并在下面的横 上分 写出其复数形式): 1. 4. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. ___________ (2) ___________ (3) ___________ (4) ___________ ___________ (6)________ ___ (7) ____________ Ⅲ. Choose the best answer ( 最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内) : ( ) 1. --- __________ your eyes now. Can you see? --- Yes. A. Close B. Open C. Shut ( ) 2. There is a TV in the __________. A. sitting room B. kitchen C. bathroom ( ) 3. Are they __________? A. the different B. different C. same ( ) 4. Let ’s__________ the schoolbag __________ the sofa. A. put ?in B. putting ? on C. put ? on ( ) 5. --- What can you do? --- I can __________ an English film. A. look B. read C. see ( ) 6. --- _________ walk on the grass. --- I ’m sorry. ( (  A. No B. Don ’t C. don ’t ) 7. It ’svery dark (黑暗的) . Please turn on the __________. A. mirror B. telephone C. lamp ) 8. Look, the cat is in front of the dog. The dog is _______ the cat. A. behind B. beside C. in front of Ⅳ. Look and write (看图,填上适当的单词完成句子,每线词数不限) 1. --- What __________ they before (之前) ? --- They __________ eggs.  : --- What __________ they now? --- __________ chicks. --- Are they __________? --- Yes, they are very small. They are __________ too. 2. --- Excuse me, where is the chair? --- It ’s under the __________. --- Is it ___________? --- No, it ’ssmall. And the __________ is far away __________ the chair. Ⅴ. Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正误,用“ T”或“ F”表示): A Sitting-room This is Mr Zhang ’s sitting-room. It ’sbig and clean. It ’stidy too. There is some new furniture (家俱) there. Some are dear, but some are cheap. There was a nice sofa near the bookshelf. Now it ’s under the window. The cushions were in front of the sofa. Now they ’re under the coffee table. The picture was near the window. Now it ’sbetween the sofa and the bookshelf. Do yo


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