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毕业设计(论文) 题 目:基于单片机住宅防火防盗 报警系统的设计 院 (系): 机电工程学院 专 业: 应用电子技术 姓 名: 雷 静 学 号: 5902021101008 指导教师: 程佳佳 二〇一三年十一月二十日 毕业设计(论文)任务书 毕业设计(论文)进度计划表 毕业设计(论文)中期检查记录表 摘 要 本系统具有密码识别功能,只有通过键盘输入正确的密码才能控制系统的开闭。密码并不是唯一的,可以修改以及更换。本系统还配置了备用电源以及具有断电和掉线自诊断功能,增强了系统的安全性和稳定性。此外系统还从硬件和软件两方面进行了抗干扰设计,能够让系统可靠的完成工作。时代在发展,社会在进步,人们对生活质量的追求也在日益增长,特别是住宅方面,不仅希望拥有舒适、温馨的住所,而且对安全性、智能性等方面也提出了更高的要求,智能住宅的安全防范系统也应运而生。现在很多小区都安装了智能报警系统,因而大大提高了住宅的安全程度,有效保证了居民的人身财产安全。 关键词: 防盗防火 传感器 单片机控制 智能报警系统 Abstract This paper introduces the residential intelligent burglar fire alarm system. Residential anti-theft fire alarm system is will anti-theft fire prevention function together, finish at the same time the stolen feeling and fire detection, and realize the automatic alarm function. One stolen sentiment detection by infrared detection and microwave detector constitutes double jean detector complete, and fire detection by light smoke detectors, inductance temperature probe and carbon monoxide detectors sets a composite fire detector complete. When the burglar detectors or fire detector detect danger to the micro controller, application, again by issued interrupt micro controller control alarm circuit, realize the automatic alarm. This system has a password recognition function, it is only through the keyboard input the correct password can open and close of the control system. The password is not the only, can modify and replacement. The system also configuration spare power and has since dropped without electricity and improve system diagnosis function, security and stability. Besides system also from two aspects of hardware and software on the anti-interference design, can make the system reliable to finish their work. The development of times, social progress and people in the pursuit of quality of life, especially in growing, not only hope to have house comfortable, warmth, and the residence of security, i


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