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1 、秦始皇 中国历史上杰出的政治家、军事家。 、Qin shi huang is an outstanding statesman and strategist [str?tid ?ist] in the history of china. 2、13岁即王位,39岁统一中国,建立秦朝,称皇帝,是中国的第一个皇帝。 、 he inherited [inheritid] the throne [ 0 r ?un] at the age of thirteen 、when he was thirty- nine he reunified [ri:ju:nifai] China ,established qin dynasty, and said emperor who was the first emperor in china. 4、 他建立了中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、专制主义中央集权制国家。 、 He established the first united, multi-ethnic and absolutistic [,?bs ?lju:tistik] and centralized country of china. 5、 秦始皇统一全国后,采取一系列重要措施的以加强对帝国的统治。 After Qin shihuang unified china , he took a series of important measures to strengthen the rule of empire [empai ?]。 6、 其中包括统一度量单位、文字、货币、法律等等。 Including unified metric [metrik] unit, wordage [w ?:did ?], currency [k ?r?nsi , law and so on。 7、 秦始皇为了抵御匈奴,主持修筑长城,成为了今天举世闻名的万里长城。 In order to resist hun, Qin shihuang host to build Great Wall which became world-famous today 8、 在位期间 不断开拓疆土,使中国成为当时世界上最大的帝国。 In the reign [rein] he continuously developed territory [terit ?ri] , and made China the world largest empire. 9、 然而,秦始皇为了控制人民和加强专制统治,采取了许多残忍的手段。 However , in order to control the people and strengthen the autocratic [, ? :t ?ukr?tik] rule,Qin shihuang took many brutal ways 10、其中最著名的就是“焚书坑儒”。 One of the most famous is the Fen Shu Keng Ru. 11 、即烧毁了许多经典书籍,并坑杀儒生。 That is to destroy many classic books and bury confucian scholars alive. 12、 在统一六国之后,他开始了极其奢华的生活。 After he unified china , he also started the extremely luxurious [l ?kzju ?ri ?s, life 。 13、 修建豪华的阿房宫和骊山墓,在名山胜地刻石记功 ^ Such as build luxurious AFangGongand LiShan mu, Record a merit [merit] on a statue [st?tju:, 14、 为求长生不老之药,又派数千人至东海求神仙等等,耗费了巨大的财力和人力,加 深了人民的苦难。 Whatmore for the sake of medicine against death, he sent thousands of people to donghai and so on which expended a lot of finance and human resouces and deepened the peoples miseries. 14 、三十七年,秦始皇得病去世。 However ,when he died he was only fifty. 16、 秦始皇是中国历史上第一个雄才大略的君主,其非凡的功绩在中国帝王中也只有数 人能与之相比。 In Chinese history,Qin sh


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