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七年级英语语法代词的用法专项练习 -人称代词/物主代词/反身代词 课前小测试(QuizRevision) (5-10mins) = 1 \* ROMAN I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)(错误率: 掌握情况: ) 1. (me)have a book. This is (I) book.It is (my). 2. Lucy fell off _________ bike this morning, but __________ didn’t hurt __________ very badly.(he) 3.It can’t be Lucy’s bike. Look! ________ is under the tree. (she) 4.They are (me) shoes.Please give (they) to (I). 5. (her) lost (she) pencil.Can you help (she) find _________(its)? 6.Lily and Lucy, help__________(you) to some oranges. 7.Yesterday I saw ________ enjoy ________ in the park.(they) 8. (them) can do (they) homework by (they). 9. (who) book is this? It isn’t (Tom) book. It’s (me). 10. (whose) is he? (his) is (Linda) brother. 11.He is a friend of (she). He isn’t a friend of (me). 12.Jim is (I) friend. (us) are in the same school. 13.Frank can’t find _______ dictionary(he) . Can you lend _______(you)to ________(he)? 14.I will tell you my opinion on learning English, and you can express_________.(you) 15._______(you) eyes are much bigger than________(I). keys:1. 1/my/mine 2.His/he/himself 3.Hers 4.my/them/me 5.She/her/her/it 6.yourselves 7.them/themselves 8.They/their/themselves 9.Whose/Tom’s/mine 10.who/He/Linda’s 11.hers/mine 12.my/We 13.his/yours/him 14.yours 15.Your/mine 本节内容(presentation)(25-30mins) 定义:代词是为避免重复,用来代替名词或名词短语的词。 二.代词的用法: 代词的分类: 英语中的代词, 按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、不定代词、相互代词、疑问代词七种。 一、人称代词 A.定义:表示我、你、他、她、它、我们、你们、他们的词 人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表: 人称 数 格 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 第二人称 you you you you 第三人称 he him they them she her it it B.排列顺序: 1) 单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称 第三人称 第一人称: you he/she I You, h


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