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求用户输入的两个数的商,程序运行时,以如下格式输入数据: Input two integers:4 2↙ 请改正程序中的错误,使它能得出正确的结果。 #include stdio.h main() { int a, b, c; printf(Input two integers:); scanf(%d,%d, a, b); c = a\b; printf(The quotient of a and b is :%d, c); } # include stdio.h int main () { int a,b,c; printf (Input two integers:); scanf (%d %d,a,b); c=a/b; printf (The quotient of a and b is :%d\n,c); return 0; } 使用const常量定义圆周率pi=3.14159,编程从键盘输入圆的半径r,计算并输出圆的周长和面积。输出的数据保留两位小数点。 输入格式要求:%lf 提示信息:Input r: 输出格式要求: printf WITHOUT width or precision specifications:\n circumference = %f, area = %f\n printf WITH width and precision specifications:\n circumference = %7.2f, area = %7.2f\n 程序运行示例如下: Input r:5.3 printf WITHOUT width or precision specifications: circumference = 33.300854, area = 88.247263 printf WITH width and precision specifications: circumference = 33.30, area = 88.25 #include stdio.h int main() { const double PI=3.14159; double r; printf(Input r:); scanf(%lf, r); printf(printf WITHOUT width or precision specifications:\n); printf(circumference = %f, area = %f\n,2*PI*r,PI*r*r); printf(printf WITH width and precision specifications:\n); printf(circumference = %7.2f, area = %7.2f\n,2*PI*r,PI*r*r); return 0; } 写一个程序,将接收的华氏温度转换为对应的摄氏温度。程序应显示如下的提示信息: Please input fahr: 然后输入一个十进制数并回车,然后程序以合适的消息形式输出转换后的华氏温度。 程序使用如下的公式完成转换:摄氏温度 = 5.0 *(华氏温度 – 32.0) / 9.0 输入格式要求:%lf 提示信息:Please input fahr: 输出格式要求:The cels is: %.2f #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h int main() { double f; double c; printf(Please input fahr: ); scanf(%lf,f); c=5.0*(f-32.0)/9.0; printf(The cels is: %.2f,c); return 0; } 从键盘输入任意的字符,按下列规则进行分类计数。 第一类:‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’ 第二类:‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘%’, ‘=’ 第三类:其它字符。 输出格式要求:class1=%d, class2=%d, class3=%d\n 程序运行示例如下: ghdf^%^#$^(+-//+_8*(\ class1=1, class2=7, class3=14 #include stdio.h int main() { char ch; int a = 0,b = 0,c = 0; while ((ch = getchar()) != \n)


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