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PAGE / NUMPAGES 毕业设计 题 目 双柱液压举升机结构设计 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 学 生 指导教师 液压式双柱汽车举升机设计 摘要 汽车举升机是用以支撑汽车底盘或车身的某一部分,使汽车升降的设备。它在汽车维修保养中发挥至关重要的作用,无论是整车大修还是小修保养,都离不开它。液压式汽车举升机作为汽车举升机家族中的一员,它有着其他举升机无法比拟的优势,如它的结构工作范围广,可维修高顶棚车辆,工作空间空旷等,本文较全面的介绍了举升机的分类,在确定了所要设计的方案之后,即针对了举升机的结构及特点要求进行了设计与说明。同时对举升机设计过程中所涉及到的工艺问题进行补充说明,然后对汽车举升机立柱,横梁的截面特性,并对主立柱,横梁的强度和托臂的强度进行了校核验算。设计并对液压缸活塞杆强度以及受压杆的稳定性也进行了验算,以及对链条和钢丝绳等的选择计算,以保证设计的举升机满足使用要求。本课题所设计的是液压式双柱汽车举升机。 关键字:液压式 汽车举升机 液压驱动 稳定性 截面特性  Stream-actuated Bibcock Type Automobile Lift. ABSTRACT Automobile lift is an equipment that is intended to bearing one region of automobile chassis or unit construction ,and leading automobile rise and fall .It entire car overhaul just the same turnaround service, both can not get away it to automobile life at automobile service curing suffer exert vital action ,so ever .As lift familial one key member ,bibcock type automobile lift has any other lift cannot analogical advantage :Such as, it adopt large bibcock structure ,scope of work expand, can repair high scaffold vehicle, operating space open, and so on. This text roundly introduce lifts sort, after ascertain want designed scheme, namely aim at lifts structure and require proceed design and explanation, at the same time, at the lift design process, it is need to proceed additional remarks be involved in usability problem. And then analyses bibcock type automobiles lifts main upright, section characteristic, and check strong rigidity with bracket. Both that of design with hydraulic cylinder piston perch intensity also proceed proven with compressed bar, as well as select and count with chain and wire rope to be sure satisfy the lift operating requirement. This test is stream-actuated bibcock type automobile lift. KEY WORDS: Bibcock type, Automobile lift , Hydraulic drive , Stability , Section characteristic  目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 绪 论 5 §1.1 举升机的现状 5 §1.2 举升机的发展趋势 6 第二章 举升机的方案


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