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马达加斯加》中英文台词 马达加斯加》中英文台词 PAGE PAGE # 马达加斯加 Happy birthday! 吓你一跳 ! 啊,嘿,谢谢啦 ,伙计 Surprise! Aw, hey, thanks, man. 艾利克斯 , 别在我做白日梦来捣乱 ! 你把这个藏在牙后面了 . 没错 Alex. Do not interrupt me when Im daydreaming. You put it in behind the tooth. You all right. 斑马在家 , 闲人免进 这些东西还没有上市呢 来 ,仔细瞧一下 When a zebras in the zone, leave him alone. These arent even on the shelf yet. Here. Check it out. 别这样 , 马蒂 . 我只是想来祝你生日快乐的 - 看这个 . 哦! 看呀 - 瞧 ,下雪了 Come on, Marty. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. - Look at that. Ooh! Look at that. - Look at that. Its snowing. 嘿,伙计,谢谢 十岁了 ,是吧?整整十年了 Hey, man, thanks. Ten years old, huh? A decade. 嘿,我牙里塞了点东西 两位数字 . 大数字啊 - Hey, I got something stuck in my teeth. Double digits. The big -. 快受不了了 . 帮个忙 ,行吗 ? 你不喜欢吗? Its driving me crazy. Can you help me? Please? You dont like it? 你来对地方了 , 我的朋友 -不,不 ,非常好的礼物 -你讨厌它 You came to the right place, my friend. - No, no, its great. - You hate it. 马蒂医生 ,口腔外科学博士 ,正巧在家 我真应该送你艾利克斯的闹钟 那可是个值钱的东西 Dr. Marty, D.D.S., is in the house. I shouldve gotten you the Alex alarm clock. Thats the big seller. 如果可以的话 , 请跳到我消过毒的检查台上来 Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you 不,不 ,不 这礼物很好 ,真的 may. No, no, no. The presents great, really. - 什么也没有呀 - 在左边 只是觉得一年来了又去了 - I dont see anything. - Its on the left. Its just that another years come and gone 噢 , 对不起 而我仍就做着一成不变的事请 Oh, sorry. and Im still doing the same old thing. 好的 ,嘴里有东西时别讲话 “从这出发 ,小跑到那 ,吃点草 , 然后又回到这里” Okay, just dont talk with your mouth full. Stand over here. Trot over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here. 找见了 ,这个鬼东西在这干什么 ? Right here. What the heck is this doing in there? - 我知道你的问题了 - 也许我应该去学校读读法律 - I see your problem. - Maybe I should go to law school. 生日快乐 ! 你只需要打破那些令人厌烦的常规就行了 You just need to break out of that boring routine. -怎么做? -旧的那套全丢掉 - How? - Throw out the old act. 谁知道你要怎么做 看着编吧 Who knows what youll do. Make it up as you go along. 即兴表演 ,编些台词 ,在空中 , 砰 ,砰,砰 Ad lib. Improvise. On the fly. Boom, boom, boom. - 真的可以? - 要来点新鲜的 - Really? - You know, make it fr


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