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本科学生毕业设计(论文) 汽车离合器从动盘扭转特性测量机设计 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 专 业: Design of characteristic measuring machine of automobile clutch twisted by moving plate Undergraduate: Supervisor: Major: Mechanical and Electronic Engineering 摘 要 由于中国汽车行业起步晚 ,在各项技术上与发达国家相比还有较大差距,尤其是在汽车零部件生产中,产品质量检测方面还存在很多问题,由此导致的交通事故及给企业造成的损失不可估计,同时造成汽车的维修和保养的费用也很高。因此,提高汽车零部件研究试验水平和生产自动化程度,走自主研发道路已成我国汽车行业发展的必然要求。离合器作为汽车传动系统中极其重要的零部件,是连接发动机和变速箱的桥梁,离合器性能的可靠性直接关系到汽车运行的可靠性。 针对我国汽车行业检测汽车离合器从动盘设备落后、自动化程度低、控制测试精度低和很难满足大规模生产的需要的现状,本设计提出了一种新的采用PLC来检测汽车离合器从动盘机械装置的整体设计。该方案以检测某种离合器的参数作为检测的依据,来进行对整个方案的设计,采用PLC对步进电机进行控制和扭矩传感器、角位移传感器的信号收集和分析,通过触摸显示器将测量的电压信号直接转换成相应的扭矩和角位移的信号,来实现检测汽车离合器从动盘扭转的精确测量。通过功能分析,该设计采用步进电机作为执行机构的动力源,通过步进电机的正反转来驱动离合器从动盘产生正反扭矩,使用减数器改变步进电机输出的扭矩,使用扭矩传感器和角位移传感器来测量汽车离合器从动盘所承受的扭矩。文中进行了对步进电机的选择、传动机构的运动参数和尺度综合的设计与计算,并对重要的执行部件(例如花键轴,减速齿轮)进行了结构设计和强度校核。使用CAD软件设计了整个装配图和部分零件的零件图。 关键词:汽车离合器,检测,扭矩,机械,设计 ABSTRACT Chinas automobile industry started late, of the various technical and is still a wide gap between the developed countries, particularly in auto parts production, product quality testing there are still many problems, the resulting traffic accidents and to enterprises The losses caused by Bukeguji, causing the vehicle repair and maintenance costs are also high. Therefore, improving the level of pilot study of automotive components and production automation, and take the road of independent research and development of Chinas automotive industry has become an inevitable requirement for development. Clutch in a vehicle drive system is extremely important parts, engine and gearbox connecting the bridge, the clutch performance of reliability directly related to the reliability of cars running. Chinas automobile industry for detecting vehicle driven clutch disc outdated facilities, low degree of automation, control and difficult to test the accuracy of low mass production to meet the needs of the status quo, the design of a new PLC used to detect car was driven clutch The overall design of mechanica


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