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高分英语作文范文五篇 【导语】英语作文对于考生而言,呈现出两极分化,英语基础好的人觉得拿中上的分数异常容易,英语基础差的同学英语作文总是拿个垫底档次的分数,连写出来都异常困难。其实这很正常,这是英语作文的开放性所决定的,告别了客观题生硬的选项和运气因素,作文实打实地考察了英语的基础知识,完全没有办法凭借运气拿到高分。无忧考网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。【篇一】高分英语作文范文   There have been a lot of ways of acquiring knowledge. And the number is increasing unexpectedly owing to the popularization of modern mass media.   有很多获得知识的方法,而由于现代大众传媒的普及,(获取知识方法的)数量也在以意料之外的速度增长。   However, reading books has always been the major and convenient approach to knowledge. One may acquire most of his knowledge through reading books, since they can be carried easily and read leisurely everywhere at any time. Another equally important means of acquiring knowledge is through practice, especially learning from others. It is unlikely for a person to get all-round knowledge by merely reading books. As a matter of fact, genuine knowledge comes from practice.   然而,阅读一直都是最主要和最方便的方法来获取知识。也许人大多数知识的取得都是通过阅读书籍,因为它们易携带、可以随时随地悠闲地阅读。另一个同样重要的方法是通过实践获取知识,尤其是向别人学习。一个人不可能仅仅通过阅读书籍就可以学到全面的知识。事实上,实践出真知。   Although books and practice are indispensable to the enrichment of one’s knowledge, other means shouldn’t be turned aside. With the development of IT industry, people tend to hunt for knowledge by means of Internet. Internet is changing people’s traditional approaches to knowledge. It has found its way into every field of the world.   虽然对于丰富知识来说书和实践是不可或缺的,但其他方式也不应该被搁置。随着IT行业的发展,人们倾向于通过互联网寻找知识。互联网正在改变人们获取知识的传统方法。它已经进入到世界的各个领域了。【篇二】高分英语作文范文   Many years ago, credit card was believed to be the great improvement to facilitate people’s life, since then, people didn’t have to carry the paper money at hand, a card could pay the bill. Nowadays, with the development of technology, a more convenient way has been invented. There are all kinds of APPs in China, people can shopping online, order the food and do all kinds of business, the most important thing is that they can pay money just to click the button. In the big cities, you don’t need to take money at hand, a smart phone can solve all



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