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Interpretation of article 12 第12章简述 VCLT-ordinary meaning in context, in light of object and purpose: secondarily travaux preparatoires 维也纳条约法公约_一般内容,对象与目标,其它正式记录 Articles 1 and 3-full and equal enjoyment non-discrimination, respect for autonomy, respect for difference 条款1和条款3-享有完全及平等的权利,反歧视,尊重自主权,尊重 差异 Choices- paradigm shift, removal of footnote 选择一思考模式的转移,脚注的移除(??) Expertise from lived reality of disability experience 来自残疾人士真实生活经验的专门知识 Interpretation 2 简述(续前页) Ambiguity in text should be resolved in a way that upholds CrPd purpose and principles 文本的模糊之处可以通过对残疾人权利公约基本目标与原则的支持来 Human rights treaties generally have purpose of realizing equal rights 人权条约的一条基本目标是实现权利的平等 Paradigm of autonomy plus support/accommodation reflecting respect for ifference clarifies non-discrimination obligations throughout the text 范例提供了进步的支持解释和从权案例,反映了对差异的尊重、强 调了篑穿全文的反砖视主张 Equivalent to social model of disability -change the environment so as not to exclude anyone 与残疾亼士的社会楷模同等重要的,是改变社会环境,使得任何人都 Universal legal capacity 一般法定资格 Equal legal capacity -formal equality, no distinctions based on disability 平等的法定资格一-正式的平等,没有基于残疾的区分 122,125,3(a),3(b),5,4(b) 22,125,3(a)3(b),54(b) Children with disabilities -evolving legal capacity on equal basis with other children 残疾儿童一与正常儿童同样的平等法定资格-3(h),7.3 pecific rights -choice of residence parenting informed consent in health care, voting nd political participation, etc. 权利一住宅选择权,接受教养的权利,卫生保健的知凊同意权,投票及参政权 Positive measures to ensure substantive as well as formal equality -4(a), 3(d), 3(e) 保障实质性的、正式的平等的积极措施-4(a),3(d),3∈e) Inclusive design of laws related to the exercise of legal capacity- mainstreaming safeguards (a),4(f)124,125 与法定资格相关的各项法律的设计包含性一在主流保障中纳入残疾人 4(a),4(f),124,125 Accessibility of communication and services relating to legal capacity 与法定资格相关的信息和服务的可及性 921,3(f),122,12.5 Universal legal capacity 2 般法定资格(续前页) Accommodation(reasonable)in the exercise of rights and duties related to legal 13.1,53,12.


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