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本科毕业设?计论文 题目:太阳能光伏?发电光源跟?踪控制系统? —硬件部分 院 系: 电子信息工?程学院 学科专业: 电气工程及?其自动化 2010年? 6月 太阳能光伏?发电光源跟?踪控制系统? ——硬件部分 摘要 太阳能是一?种非常具有?开发潜力的?能源,世界各国都?在积极开发?利用太阳能?。我国太阳能?的利用,在近十年发?展得非常迅?速,但是我国的?太阳能利用?技术还比较?落后,且太阳能利?用的局限性?很大。为了进一步?扩大太阳能?的利用范围?,提高太阳能?的利用率,本文开发了?一套太阳跟?踪与驱动系?统,该系统能够?使太阳能利?用装置时刻?保持与太阳?光线垂直,其结构简单?、成本低廉且?跟踪精度高?,可用于太阳?灶、太阳能热水?器等各种太?阳能装置上?,具有一定的?实用价值。 设计的太阳?跟踪与驱动?控制系统主?要由三大部?分构成:传感器、控制器、机 械跟踪平台?。传感器由独?立的四片光?电池组成,用于大范围?跟踪太阳,控制器硬件?以单片机C?8051F?020为核?心,完成了控制?器的硬件电?路设计和制?作,系统的硬件?电路包括,模拟输入电?路,电机驱动电?路,电源电路等? 关键词:太阳跟踪,传感器,控制器,跟踪平台 Solar? photo?volta?ic energ?y sourc?es track?ing contr?ol syste?m ——The hardw?are part Abstr?act Solar? energ?y is a kind of energ?y with great? poten?tial devel?opmen?t,and many count?ries is tryin?g to utili?ze it.The use of solar? energ?y is devel?oped very fast in our count?ry in recen?t ten years?.But the techn?ology? of utili?zing solar? energ?y is still? relat?ively? backw?ard,and the appli?catio?n of solar? energ?y is restr?icted? by many facto?rs.To widen? the use of solar? energ?y and incre?ase the utili?zatio?n of solar? energ?y,the solar? energ?y traki?ng and drivi?ng syste?m is desig?ned in this paper?.The syste?m can guara?ntee that the devic?eice of utili?zing solar? energ?y is verti?cal to sun strea?ms,and it has simpl?e struc?ture, low cost and high track?ing preci?sion.The syste?m can be used in many kinds? of solar? insta?llati?ons such as solar? cooke?r and solar? water? heate?r,and it has certa?in pract?ical value?. In the paper?,the desig?ned solar? track?ing and drive? contr?ol syste?m are mainl?y compo?sed of three? major? compo?nents?:senso?rs,contr?oller?s and mecha?nical? track?ing platf?orm.The senso?r is mainl?y compo?sed of four photo?cell which? could? achie?ve large?-scale? track?ing the sun.C8051?F020 is used as the core in the contr?oller?.Hardw?are circu?it desig?n and produ?ction? are accom?plish?ed.The syste?m har


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