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When we speak, we use much more than just words . We also communicate with our face, our hands, and even our own body . This kind of communication can be called body language or non-verbal communication ”. Non-verbal communication not only includes how we move our body, but also hand gestures, facial expressions including eye contact, and how we use our voice. We also show our feelings, attitudes, moods, hopes and wishes far better with non-verbal language than with words . * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 ◆◆一个中国男人和一个美国或加拿大妇女谈话时,看着对方是否失礼? ◆◆两个男青年或两个女青年同行时,其中一个搭着另一个肩膀或两个人手拉手向前走,西方人是否认为合适? ◆◆在有各种文化背景的民族中,点头是否都表示“是”,摇头是否都表示“不”? 这不是语言问题,而是“肢体语言”(非语言交际,也称非话语交际或表情交际)问题。 back Questions * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 Sign Language When it comes to the non-verbal language, we will think of the sign language first. Sign language plays an important role in the non-verbal language, which is undeniable fact. By showing the action of hands and figures, it can take the replace of some words’ communication. However, different cultural background differs the meaning of the sign language. Even through the sign is changed a little, the meaning will have a earth-shaking change. In order to avoid some awkward situation brought by the misunderstanding of sign language, we should learn to clarify the different sign languages. * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 胜利姿势 美(英) 国人是用食指和中指构成V形,并且手心面向别人。 在中国,表示胜利的方式是高举双臂,在空中挥舞着双手,正如人们经常在体育赛事中看到的那样,中国运动员获得奖牌后站在领奖台上举着双手挥动着手中的鲜花 With the depth of western culture, the sign “V” is widely used among more and more people, including Chinese. examples Go * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 在第二次世界大战中,领导英国进行战争的首相温斯顿·邱吉尔曾作了一个手势,当时引起了轰动。他出席一个场面盛大而又重要的集会,他一露面,群众对他鼓掌欢呼。邱吉尔做了一个表示 victory(胜利)的 V形手势——用食指和中指构成V形。做这个手势时,手心要对着观众。不知邱吉尔是不知道还是一时失误,把手背对着观众了。群众当中,有人鼓掌喝倒彩,有人发愣,有人忍不往哈哈大笑。这位首相所做的手势表示的是别的意思。那不是表示“胜利”的 V形,而是一个下流的动作,有侮辱之意。 * 精品PPT | 实用可编辑 招呼人过来 美国人是食指朝上向里勾动 (put the hand toward someone with the center of the palm upward,shaking the index finger back and front) 中国人是用手掌向下朝自己方向 招动来招呼别人 (put the head toward som