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Input and interaction 语言的输入与互动;The role of input;1.Nature of input modifications 输入修正的本质 Characteristics of foreigner talk 外国式谈话(5.1) 1、简单高频的词汇和短语; 2、 长时间的停顿; 3、放慢语调; 4、清晰发音; 5、声音大; 6、强调重点单词; 7、简化的语法结构; 8、主题化; 9、句法规律; 10、保留词组的形态 ;5.1Characteristics of foreigner talk ; 1.Nature of input modifications 输入修正的本质 ; 1.Nature of input modifications 输入修正的本质 ;5.2Modification of written input;2.Nature of interactional modification语言互动修正的本质;5.3;2.Nature of interactional modifications语言互动修正的本质;3.Feedback反馈;Incorrect utterance Negative feedback Direct correction Indirect correction;4.Intake to cognitive processing内化到认知加工; Interaction Hypothesis 互动假设理论 Michael Long is Professor of Second Language Acquisition at the university of Maryland, College Park. Long is usuallly credited for introducing the Interaction Hypothesis, a theory of second language acquisition which places importance on face-to-face interaction. The idea existed in the 1980s, and there are two forms of the Interaction Hypothesis: the “ strong” form and the “ weak” form. The “strong” form is the position that the interaction itself contributes to language development. The “weak” form is the position that interaction is simply the way that learners find learning oppportunities, whether or not they make productive use of them. 迈克尔?朗是马里兰大学帕克分校的二语习得的教授,因提出了互动理论著称,强调面对面的互动。该理论存在于1980年,互动假说有两种形式:强式和弱式。强式能够促进语言的发展,弱式的互动中学习者只能发现学习的机会,而不一定能充分利用。 ; Interaction Hypothesis 互动假设理论 Similar to Krashens input hypothesis, the interaction hypothesis claims that comprehensible input is important for language learning. It occurs in a conversation that one of the participants will say something that the other does not understand; the participants will then use various communicative strategies to help the interaction progress. The strategies used when negotiating meaning may in


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