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谁会罹患闭角型青光眼?Who gets angle closure glaucoma? Tin Aung博士(PhD)、 爱丁堡皇家外科医师学会会员 FRCS(Ed) 英国皇家眼科医学院 会员 FRCOphth新加坡全国眼科中心新加坡眼科研究所新加坡国立大学财务申明 Disclosures咨询顾问董事:Alcon, Allergan, BauschLomb, Quark科研基金: Alcon, Allergan, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Ellex, Ocular Therapeutics旅行资助: Alcon, Allergan, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Clarity, Merck, Pfizer, Santen, EllexSingapore: 685 sq km 5 million peopleSingaporeSingapore National Eye Centre Comprehensive ophthalmic ambulatory care surgicentre with 65 consultant surgeons (faculty) 350,000 outpatient visits, 15,000 major eye surgeries, 13,000 laser procedures annuallyAbout 60% of Singapore patient load for ophthalmology10-15% foreign patients 9 clinical subspecialty services: Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology Cornea and External Eye Disease Vitreo-Retina Glaucoma Paediatric and Strabismus Oculoplastics Ocular Inflammation and Immunology Refractive Surgery Neuro-ophthalmologySingapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) is Singapore’s national institute for ophthalmology, research arm of SNECAcademia @ SingHealth-Duke-NUS CampusSERI原发性闭角型青光眼 (PACG)世界范围青光眼的主要类型,在亚洲更常见,并有较高的发病率 Important cause of glaucoma估计患者数量将达到三千万 Affects 30 millionPrimary Angle Closure glaucoma原发性闭角型青光眼Form of glaucoma that causes severe blindness 一种能够导致重度失明的青光眼Worldwide PACG blinds proportionately more people than POAG 全世界范围内因为PACG而失明的人多过POAGFoster et al, BJO 2001; 85: 1277-82 Blindness rates: PACG POAGRange 33-75%Range 11-27%Proportion of unilateral blindness in population surveys那些人群会发生前房角关闭?Who gets Angle Closure?已知的发生前房角关闭的危险因素Known Risk Factors人口学特征 Demographic factors年龄 Age女性 Female种族 Race发生率12.2/100,000/年 APAC 危险因素(优势比 Odds Ratio)女性 Female 2.4 : 1年龄 Age 60 9.1 : 1华人 马来人 或 印度人Chinese Malay/Indian Seah SKL, Foster PJ, Chew PTK, Jap A, Oen F, Fam HB, Lim ASM. Incidence of acute primary angle-closure glaucoma in Singapore- An island wide survey. Arch Ophthalmol 1997;115:1436-1440.新加坡原发性前房角关闭的患病特点急性原发性前房角关闭在5个不同国家的发病率Symptomatic PAC in 5 countriesSingaporeFinland已知的生物