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律师过失履职导致的经济损失与赔偿-民商法论文-法律论文-法学论文 ——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——   摘 要: 律师作为专业法律服务的提供者, 在履职过程中应善尽合理注意义务, 完成当事人之委托事务。律师的过失履职侵犯了当事人的财产利益, 因过失履职所致损失性质上属于纯粹经济损失。在司法实务上, 律师过失履职致损案件呈现出过失履行非诉法律服务和过失履行诉讼法律服务两大类型。此类案件的请求权基础应回归侵权行为一般条款即《民法通则》第106条第二款或《侵权责任法》第六条第一款进行规制。律师过失履职所致纯粹经济损失的赔偿范围应严格限定于因过失履职而遭受的直接经济损失或金钱上的不利益, 而不宜过度扩张。在见证遗嘱无效型案件场合, 选择侵权诉由时, 应依据继承人因遗嘱无效而被减少的继承份额来确定损失数额及赔偿范围。   关键词: 律师过失履职; 专业服务; 过错侵权; 纯粹经济损失; 赔偿责任;   Abstract: As a provider of professional legal services, lawyers should perform their due diligence obligations in the course of performing their duties and complete the entrusted affairs of the parties. The lawyers faulty performance violates the property interests of the parties, and the loss caused by negligent performance is pure economic loss. In judicial practice, lawyers faulty performance cases are presented in different types. The basis of the claim for such cases shall be governed by the general provisions of the infringement, namely Article 106, paragraph 2 of the General Principles of Civil Law or Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Tort Liability Act. The scope of compensation for pure economic losses caused by the fault of a lawyer shall be strictly limited to the direct economic loss or financial non-interest suffered by negligent performance, and shall not be excessively expanded. In the case of witnessing invalid cases, if the infringement lawsuit is chosen, the amount of the loss and the scope of compensation shall be determined based on the successor share of the successor whose intestate is invalid.   Keyword: lawyers negligent performance; professional services; negligent infringement; pure economic loss; liability;   一、问题的提出   案例一:原告王保富之父王守智与被告三信律所签订了《非诉讼委托代理协议》, 事项及权限为:代为见证。三信律所出具一份《见证书》, 并附遗嘱一份。王守智去世后, 原告王保富起诉要求按照该遗嘱继承遗产。终审判决认定:遗嘱的形式与自书、代书遗嘱必备条件不符, 按法定继承处理。王保富因此要求三信律所赔偿因按法定继承面向其他继承人支付的继承房屋折价款、见证遗嘱代理费、两审继承诉讼代理费、诉讼费。判决指出:被告三信律所未尽到相应的职责, 给委托人及遗嘱受益人造成损失, 应当承担赔偿责任。赔偿范围为原告因遗嘱无效而被减少的继承份额。但三信律所见证遗嘱过程中之过失并不必然导致诉讼, 故对原告提出赔偿代理费与诉讼费的请求


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