论刑法的 价值-法学毕业论文-本科毕业论文-毕业论文.docx

论刑法的 价值-法学毕业论文-本科毕业论文-毕业论文.docx

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论刑法的 价值-法学毕业论文-本科毕业论文-毕业论文 ——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——   摘要:刑罚价值是刑罚基础理论中的一个重大基本问题.在明确刑罚价值评价标准的基础上,本文从 概念入手,提出应当确立刑罚 价值的观念.刑罚 价值以人的尊严为核心,要求国家在惩罚犯罪的时候,以人道的态度来对待罪犯,保障犯罪人应有的权利.它既是刑罚价值的应有之意,体现了法律最优越的品性,也是实现刑罚目的的要求,符合国际社会尊重和保障 的趋向.确立刑罚 价值具有可行性,我国已在限制和减少死刑、保留并更加重视管制、改革未成年人犯罪的刑事责任等方面作出了努力.在现有刑罚 保障的基础上,应当从观念、立法、司法等方面进一步落实和完善刑罚 价值的措施.   关键词:刑罚价值;价值评价标准; ;刑罚 价值   Abstract: The value of penalty is a significant and basic problem in the fundamentaltheory of penalty. On the basis of ascertaining the evaluating standard of the value of pen-alty,beginning with the concept of human rights, this article suggests that the value ofhuman rights in penalty should be established,which focuses on the human dignity and re-quires the state to give the convict a humane treatment when inflicting a punishment on acriminal. It is not only the inherent meaning of the value of penalty, reflecting the superla-tive quality of law, but also the requirement to realize the aim of penalty. It agrees withthe international trend of respecting and safeguarding human rights. It is feasible to estab-lish the human rights value of penalty. Our state has made the effort to restrict and re-duce the capital punishment, retains and gives more focus on control, as well as reformsthe criminal liability of the juvenile delinquency and so on. On the basis of todays safe-guarding human rights in penalty,the measures to realize human rights value in penaltyshould be further fulfilled and perfected in aspects of concept, legislation, jurisdiction andso on.   Key Words: the value of criminal punishment; the evaluating standard of value; humanrights; human rights value of criminal punishment   刑罚价值是当代刑罚理论中一个重大而艰深的课题.一个国家的刑罚理念及其价值追求直接体现着该国刑罚的性质和统治阶级运用刑罚同犯罪作 的指导思想,决定着刑罚体系和种类的确立,影响着该国刑罚功能发挥的程度以及适用刑罚的效果.以什么作为价值,是刑罚的制定与执行中必须加以明确的问题.   一、刑罚的价值   (一)刑罚价值的概念   刑罚的价值是国家对犯罪人规定刑罚、判处刑罚和执行刑罚所追求的效果.我国刑法学界的一些学者对刑罚价值的内涵进行了较为系统的研究.如依据刑罚价值的分类,把刑罚价值概括为初始价值和终极价值,认为刑罚的初始价值即刑罚的目的,刑罚的终极价值包括自由、秩序和正义三大基本价值.并指出三者之间的关系:自由是刑



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