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丽无正 诗经小雅节南山之什 原文+英译 口《雨无正》 Unfair Rains 口浩浩昊天 Heavens are boundless and vast 口不骏其德 Yet your benevolence cant last 口降丧饥馑 Disasters and famine pour down 口斩伐四国 Plebes suffer in county and town 天疾威 Heavens are ruthless 口弗虑弗图 The scheme is careless 口舍彼有罪, They let real sinners go, 口既伏其辜 And conceal their sins 口若此无罪 But innocent men pure in soul 口沦胥以铺 are made pain-stricken beings Here comes your footer a Page 2 原文+英译 口周宗既灭, Defeated is Zhou by other states 口靡所止戾 None stays at his native place 口正大夫离居, Topofficials have left the land. 莫知我勋 My pains no one can understand? 口三事大夫 Though second-rankings are there 口莫肯夙夜 About the state no one does care 口邦君诸侯 All of the states granted lords 口莫肯朝夕。 have run away after morn courts. 口庶曰式臧 I wish they be on the path of virtue. 口覆出为恶。 But only more evil deeds they do 原文+英译 口如何昊天 Oh, God, my lord! What can I do? 口辟言不信。 Good ideas King turns deaf ear to 口如彼行迈, Like a headless man in the street 口则靡所臻。 Nowhere to go, though hes fleet. 口凡百君子, None of the lords and gentlemen 莫肯用讯。 Is willing to admonish our king 口听言则答, Pleasing words they would say 语言则退 To criticize him? No way. 原文+英译 口哀哉不能 My faithful words jar on the ear, 口匪舌是出, clumsy and unpleasant to hear. 口維躬是瘁 hysically and mentally pallid and thin 口哿矣能言 I find a glib tongue is a good thing 口巧言如流 An eloquent talker stooping to flattery 口俾躬处休! Enjoys good luck, fortune, and property. 孔棘且殆 口云不何使 If you say you wont do the thing 口得罪于天子 It is too bad to offend the king 及朋友 Youll be blamed by your buddy 原文+英译 口谓尔迁于王都。 say moving to the capital is the way. 口日予未有室家。 You say you haven t houses to stay 口鼠思泣血, deep sorrow I shed bloody tear. 口无言不疾。 My speech meets hatred and sneer. 口昔尔出居 Whowentto build you a hut? 口谁从作尔室? Whenyou ran away in the past? 白话译文 口浩浩苍天广大无边,你的恩德太不长远。 降下那些丧乱饥馑,四方百姓都被害惨。 皇天皇天太过暴虐,思虑图谋总不周全。 放掉那些真正罪人,尽把他们罪过隐瞒。 而像这些无罪好人,反而陷入痛苦无限。 周室如今破灭惨遭,人们到处流落奔逃。 正官大夫早已离散,有谁知道我的


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