新概念2Lesson6 教研版课件(共24张PPT).pptxVIP

新概念2Lesson6 教研版课件(共24张PPT).pptx

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Lesson 6 Percy Buttons ; ;Have you ever seen beggars? Will you help them? 你曾经遇到过乞丐吗? 你会出手相助吗? Do you think beggars are social problems? 你觉得乞丐的出现是社会问题吗? What would you do if you can make a change? 如果让你来决定的话,你会怎么解决? ;Listening Exercises;;【Key words and expressions】; 3.pocket n. 衣服口袋 pocket money:(小孩)零花钱 4.call v. 拜访,光顾 call sb. 给某人打电话 ★ call on sb 拜访某人 ★call at+地点=visit someplace 拜访某地 I will call on you. 我将会去拜访你 I will call at your home. 我将会去拜访你家 ★ call out =shout,大声喊 ★ call in sb 招集和邀请某人 ;5. knock at:敲(门) A beggar knocked at my door. knock sb.over 把某人撞到 A car knocked the boy over. 汽车把男孩撞到了。 knock sb.out 把某人打昏 In the fight, the thief knocked the policeman out. 在搏斗中,小偷把警察打昏了。 ;★ knock sth. off sp.从…上把某物碰掉 I knocked the vase off the table and broke it. 我把花瓶从桌上碰掉,把它打碎了。 ★ knock off = He finishes his work. 下班 He always knocks off at six o’clock. 他总是6点下班。 ★ knock+ 百分比+off + price/bill 让利、打折 The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill/price. 售货员给了10%的优惠。;Exercise on page 34 He did not know how to fight, but he knocked the boxer______. 2. This flowerpot is broken. Who knocked it _______? 3. I knocked ______early yesterday and went to the football match. 4. Listen! Someone is knocking ____the window.; 1.I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 1)move to 搬到什么地方 move into 搬进什么地方 2)注意地名Bridge Street里的每个单词的首字母都要大写。;2.Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. 1)beggar来源于beg(请求,祈求),表乞丐。 2)knock at表示敲打。 ;5.He ate the food and drank the beer.Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. put ... in ...,表...放进什么地方。 6.Later a neighbour told me about him. 1)later表示后来、以后。 2)tell sb. about sth./sb.,告诉某人某事或某人。;7.Everybody knows him.He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. 1)everyone, everybody, everything,everywhere 等不定代词都指代总的概念,翻译为“人人”“大家”“一切”“到处”。 不定代词做主语时谓语动词通常用第三人称单数。 Everything goes well. 2)call at,表示拜访、光顾。 3)once a month,每隔段时间的频率是多少。;


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