新概念二Lesson 83课件 (共40张PPT).pptx

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Lesson 83;Please tell me how do you think of the elections.;;David William Donald Cameron;George Herbert Walker Bush ;Barack Hussein Obama ;;A story bout…a man who kept on calling at the house of the former Prime Minister;Content; Who was the former Prime Minister?; In the recent elections, was the former Prime Minister defeated or not?;What happened to the former Prime Minister, and where is he now?;Who has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lanes Radical Progressive Party?; Why did Patrick go to the house again and again? ;phrase;New words; ★ election ? n. (经由投票的) 选举; 当选 大选,普选 a general election 举行选举 hold an election 赢得选举,当选 win an election elect v. 选举(某人) elector n. 选举人、合格选民 elect + sb + to …..选举(某人)担任(某职) 奥巴马被选为美国总统。 Obama was elected (to be) President of the United States. ;★ former ; former previous prior former是前者,和后者 (latter ) 相比较而言的 previous是以前的,是时间上的。 prior是指优先于。比起什么先做什么。 我喜欢前者的画而不喜欢后者 I prefer the former picture to the latter. 此工作不需要以前的经验。 No previous experience is necessary for this job. 宪法优先于其他一切法律 Constitution is prior to all other laws. ;defeat (1) v. 打败 打败敌人 defeat an enemy 我队以5比零击败对手。 Our team defeated our opponent by 5:0. (2) n 挫折、失败 我们的棒球队再遭失敗 Our baseball team has suffered another defeat . admit defeat 认输 a crushing[kr??] /total defeat = an utter??[??t?] defeat 彻底失败 ;fanatical (1)adj. 狂热的 (2)n.(主义、宗教等) 狂信者 fan n.(口) 迷、热心爱好者 a baseball fan 棒球迷 a rock and roll fan 摇滚迷 be crazy about …… 非常喜爱 ..., 醉心于 = be mad about …;opponent n. 反对者,对手 他以三比一击败对手。 He beats his opponent by 3:1. ?v. oppose (1)v. 反对、抵抗 我反对你去那里 I oppose your going there alone . 暴风雨阻止我们前进 The storm opposed our advance . (2) v.使对立、使对抗 oppose + sth + to/ against 对立、对抗 他对比了优点和缺来考虑这件事。 He considered the matter , opposing its advantage against / to its disadvantage . be opposed to sth 与某事物相对立, 反对某事物 她强烈反对他們的计划。 She is strongly opposed to their plan. ?opposite adj.相



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