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BOOK 3 Lesson One A Puma At Large;;;new words;puma;spot v.看出, 发现??= see, pick?out, recognize, catch sight?of 强调结果, 辨别出, 看见, 识别, 发现 高个子在人群中一眼就能发现。A?tall?man? -- A?tall?man?is?easy?to?spot?in?the?crowd. Synonym: - find:强调发现的结果 / find?out:查出事实真相 -discover:做出重大发现 / notice/note注意到 - observe:观察 / watch:观察活动中的人或画面 ;spot, find, discover,observe,watch, notice;Spot n. 地点,场合,斑点 tourist spot 衬衫上有个白点。 There?is?a?white?spot?on?the?shirt. A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改本性难移 on?the?spot: 1 立刻, 马上(at?once, immediately) Anyone?breaking?the?rules?will?be?asked?to?leave?on?the?spot. 2 at?the?place?of?the?action 在现场 Wherever?she?is?needed, she?is?quickly?on?the?spot.;evidence;accumulate;Gather vt. 聚集, 把某人召集在某处 -- The teacher gathered his students in the class Collect vt.搜集, 采集 -- Do you collect stamps? Yes, I collect stamps as my hobby. assemble v.集合, 集会 / 装配 -- A large number of people assemble on the square. ;;oblige;;hunt;;;corner;trail;cling;convince;somehow;disturb;;Text 课文;Where?must?the?puma?have?come?from? 1. Pumas?are?large,?cat-like animals which are found in America. 在英文的表达方式中,首先呈现给读者的是结果(和中文不同) 英文擅长用长句,中文擅长用短句。 熊猫是一种体形似熊的大型动物,产于亚洲。 Pandas?are?large?bear-like animals which are found in Asia. ;THAT SHE HAS BEEN LYING ABOUT HER IDENTITY IS OBVIOUS. ;避免头重脚轻例子;避免头重脚轻例子;;-ly???? “好的”???? “赞赏”??? “褒义” friendly / fatherly / motherly -like??? “偏好,介于两者之间”? “中性” lifelike, dreamlike, warlike, childlike, womanlike, manlike, steellike, springlike, -ish??? “不好的”?? “嘲讽”??? “贬义” Childish, bookish, foolish, mannish,womanish kittenish:“忸怩作态,卖弄风情,搔首弄姿” ;An idea occurred to me. A news came to the teacher. Legend has it that the angel has wings. The report goes that..;;;2. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. they were not taken seriously (they指代reports ) take sth. seriously = deal with sth seriously 认真地对待某事 take sth. lightly 草率地对待某事 -- Don’t take the hot pota


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