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Uncomfortable shoes;本课内容;;;;;;;;单词学习;★ago adv. 以前 ago 用于一般过去时;从现在的以前 before 只能用于过去完成式;是从过去的某一点算起 我三天前去的伦敦。 I went to London three days ago. 她30分钟前离开的。 She left 30 minutes ago. 很久很久以前,这里住着一位国王。 Long long ago, there lived a king. 我昨天还没到车站之前,火车就开走了。 Before I arrived at the station yesterday, the train had already left.;★buy v. 买bought--bought 我每周都买一本新书。 I buy a new book every week. 我妹妹每周都买一??新裙子。 My sister buys a new dress every week. 我上周在巴黎买了一件外套。 I bought a coat in Paris last month. sell 卖sold-sold sell sb sth=sell sth to sb for+money 以…钱卖给某人某物 He sold his brother his car for 10,000 yuan =He sold his car to his brother for 10,000 yuan;★pair n. 双,对 一副手套是件好礼物 A pair of gloves is a nice present. I have only one pair of hands. 我只有一双手(忙不过来) A pair of shoes/socks/glasses……;A loaf of bread;A bottle of wine;★fashion n. (服装的)流行式样 be in fashion ……是流行的 今年流行这种颜色 This color is in fashion this year. be out of fashion 不流行 把上面句子变成否定句 This color is out of fashion this year. This color isn`t in fashion this year. ;★uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 ① adj. 不舒服的 她穿紧身的靴子觉得不舒服。 She feels uncomfortable in tight boots. ② adj. 不安的;不自在的 如果你自己坐在那就会有不自在的感觉。 You’ll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone. 他和陌生人在一起时经常觉得不安。 He often feels uncomfortable with strangers. ③ adj. 令人不舒服的,不舒适的 这双鞋看起来不舒适。 This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.;★wear v. 穿着 wear/wears/wore/worn/wearing 我每天都穿同一间外套。 I wear the same coats every day. 他每天都戴领带。 He wears a tie every day. 这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。 The lady is wearing a beautiful dress. ;① v. 穿着;戴着;佩带着 你看她戴的那条漂亮的丝巾! Look at the beautiful silk scarf she’s wearing! 她从不用香水。 She never wears perfume. ② v. 面带;呈现;保持 他面带欢快的笑容 He’s wearing a cheerful smile. He wears his dignity even in great adversity. 他即使身处逆境也仍保持着自己的尊严。 ;wear 表穿着的状态 那个女孩每天都穿粉红色的衬衣 That girl wears a pink shirt every day. put on 表穿上的动作 请穿上你的外套 Please put on your coat. be dressed in 穿


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