新概念二册Lesson 78课件(共61张PPT).pptx

新概念二册Lesson 78课件(共61张PPT).pptx

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;Think and Discuss;;Smoking;Drinking;Improper Diet;Obesity ;;Listen and answer;Phrase ;entitle calm nerve concentration suffer symptom temper appetite produce urge satisfaction delighted ; entitle 1) v. 给(书,剧本等)定名 to give book, a play etc. a title The novel is entitled Pride and Prejudice. 2) v. 授权 to give the right to, authorize be entitled to do sth. 有权做某事 This license entitles you to sell drug. Women employees are entitled to a maternity leave of three months. ;; calm v. 使镇定 ;peaceful(a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement) 指“和平的”表示“没有骚扰和战争的”,如: a peaceful environment quiet (not making much noise, or making no noise at all 指“ 没有吵闹声的”、“ 没有噪音的”,它强调“声音很低、很少” 或“全然无声”, 如: He had a quiet life. still (quiet and calm)指“没声音的”、“没动静的” the still hours before dawn;;nerve n. 神经the feeling of being nervous because you are worried or a little frightened He was a bundle of nerves when making the speech. I drank a large glass of beer to calm my nerves. 词组拓展: get on sb.s nerves 使人心烦不安;使人心神不定 strain(拉紧) every nerve 竭尽全力 lose ones nerve 失去勇气 nervous adj.神经紧张的,不安的;;concentration n. 集中,专心 周围这么多噪音,我几乎不能专心读书。 I can hardly concentrate on reading with all that noise around. 作为一个翻译工作者,我必须非常集中精神地听和翻译 As a translator, I must listen and translate with great concentration. 相关表达: concentrate v. 集中 记忆点拨: con(全部)—centr(中心)—ation(名词后缀)(全部在中心);concentration n. 集中,专心 ;;suffer ① vi. 受痛苦;患病 在这段时间里,我妻子遭受了很大的痛苦。 During this time, my wife suffered terribly. What is the patient suffering from? 这位患者得的是什么病? ② vt. 遭受(痛苦、损害等) 小镇在洪水中遭受了严重的损失。 The village suffered serious damage from the floods. 在那个区,很多人都忍受着严寒和饥饿。 Many people are suffering cold and hunger in that district. ;suffer v. 受苦,受害; EE:to experience physical or mental pain to be in a very bad situation that makes things very difficult for you (受损失) suffer 与 suffer from的区别 suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等, suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 suffer the resu


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