新概念二册Lesson 89课件 (共50张PPT).pptx

新概念二册Lesson 89课件 (共50张PPT).pptx

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Lesson 89 A Slip of The Tongue;Warming up;巴拉克·奥巴马 Barack Obama;乔治布什 George W. Bush;菲利普亲王 Prince Philip;Tell the meaning of the following words;Answer the questions:;5.Whom did the only funny things come from? The advertiser . 6.When did everybody burst out laughing? As soon as he opened his mouth. ;1.do anything to… 2.even if 3.the news gets round 4.a comedy show 5.get in 6.fail to 7.need not have done 8.at the beginning of 9.burst into laughing ;New words and expressions;slip 1)n. 小错误,失误,疏漏 make a slip 犯一个小错误 a slip of the tongue /pen 2)v滑,滑倒 slide The hammer slipped,and he hurt his finger. I slipped on the icy road and broke my right leg. 3)遗忘,忽略 slip ones mind/memory=forget slippers n.拖鞋 ;comedy n.喜剧 a musical comedy 歌舞剧 comedian n.喜剧演员 tragedy [?tr?d??di] n.悲剧 tragedian [tr??d?i:di?n] 悲剧演员 This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles [a?l] 过道for two weeks. 这出喜剧让观众们连续两个星期乐得前仰后合。 I prefer comedy to tragedy. 我喜欢喜剧而不喜欢悲剧。 ;;present v.演出,赠送,提出,呈现 [pri?zent] present a show 进行一场演出 present ones views 提出观点 present problems [?preznt] adj.??出席的,?现在的( 反:absent) He insists on being present. n.目前 at present n.礼物 ; He presented quite a new view of the affair. 对那件事提出了相当新的看法。 They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. 他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。 The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight. 海湾内的船舶呈现一派美丽的景致。 ;queue 1)vi.排队, 通常为纵队(通常与for 连用) We had to queue for hours to get in. She has to queue for the bus every morning. 2)n.(按顺序等待的人,车等的)行列 line join the queue 加入队列 jump the queue 插队 stand in a queue 排队 Theres a long queue/line of people waiting for the bus. Wed better join the queue for tickets. 横队:row;;dull 1)adj.枯燥的 a dull book 2)头脑迟钝的 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 3)adj.(疼痛等)隐约的 I have a dull pain in my stomach. 4)adj.(刀等)钝的 a dull knife; ;advertiser n.报幕员,刊登广???的人 advertisement(ad) n.广告宣传 Put an advertisement in the paper advertisement column 广告栏 Advertise v.为...做广告,做宣传 I advertised my car for sale. He adv



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