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A little pot is soon hot ! 壶小易热,量小易怒;;She _____ at the butcher’s three days ago . I _____ at school last Monday . We _______good at piano last year . When _____ you right now ? They _____ at the office now . She _______(be not ) a good girl before(之前)。 He _________ (be not ) a farmer three years ago , but he _____ a farmer now . ;你礼拜三时在哪呢?我在家。 Where were you on Wednesday ? I was at home . 他刚刚在哪? 他刚刚在办公室,现在在教室里。 Where was he right now ? He was at the office ,but he is in the classroom now . 你今天早上在哪呢? 我在面包店。 When were you this morning ? I was at the baker’s . ;;He was at the baker’s just now . 他刚刚在面包店里。 他刚刚在面包店里吗? Was he at the baker’s ? Yes , he was . No , he wasn’t .;;New words ;country n. 乡村;absent adj. 缺席的;;;spend v. 花费,度过;星期一;星期二;星期三;星期四;星期五;星期六;星期日;Monday;The weekend;How is Jimmy now ? When was Jimmy absent from school? What are the Johnsons going to at the weekeed? ;百步穿杨:百发百中 A.门厅罗雀:班门弄斧 B.深思熟虑:优柔寡断 C.不求甚解;囫囵吞枣 D.白日做梦:梦想成真 ;MRS.JOHNSON:??Hello. Were you at the butchers? MRS.WILLIAMS:??Yes. I was. Were you?at the butchers, too? MRS.JOHNSON:??No, I wasnt. I was?at the greengrocers. Hows Jimmy today? MRS.WILLIAMS:??Hes very well, thank you.;;MRS.JOHNSON:??Very well, thank you. Were going to spend three days in the country. Were going to?stay at?my mothers for the weekend. MRS.WILLIAMS:?? Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the country! Arent you lucky!;Key sentences ;您刚才也在肉店吗? Jimmy 今天怎么样了? 上星期他没上学吗? 他周一,周二,周三,周四没去上学。 我们将要去乡下三天。 我们将要在我妈妈家过周末 你们真幸运呀! 祝你们玩的愉快 我们总玩得很愉快 你必须早点回家。;Mrs.Johnson:Were you at the butcher’s? Mrs.Williams:Yes,I was.Were you at the butcher’s,too? Mrs.Johnson:No,I wasn’t.I was at at the greengrocer’s. How is Jimmy today? ;Mrs.Johnson:Very well,thank you. We are going to spend three days in the country. We are going to stay at my mother’s for the weekend. Mrs.Williams:Friday


李老师   + 关注


