x27t see or hear》PPT精选教学课件.ppt

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Module 7 Unit 2 Review finish-finished show-showed ask-asked decide-decided spend-spent come-came fly-flew give-gave buy-bought learn-learnt get-got bring-brought make-made send-sent do-did Free talk: What did you do yesterday? I +动词过去式…. Did you go to a zoo yesterday? Yes, I did. No,I didn’t. Free talk: What can you do? I can…. can cant 过去式 过去式 could 能够 couldnt 不能够 Let’s make sentences with “can” ,”can’t”,“could”and “couldn’t”. 表示现在:can/can’t 表示过去:could/couldn’t When I was a baby, I could see. I could eat. I could hear. I could drink. But I couldn’t read a book. 海伦.凯勒 Helen Keller (1880—1967) 1880 1.美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家和社会活动家。 2.1880年6月27日出生,19个月时因为一场高烧,夺去了她的视力、听力和语言表达能力。她的导师安妮.莎莉文教会了她读书和说话。以优异的成绩毕业于美国哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院,成为掌握英语、法语、德语、拉丁语、希腊语五种语言的著名作家和教育家。 3.主要作品有《假如给我三天光明》《我的老师》《我的生活》等。 二、Helen Keller (知识竞猜) 1. Who was Helen Keller? A. B. 2. Could Helen see? Yes, she could. No, she couldn’t. 3. Could Helen hear? Yes, she could. No, she couldn’t. 4.What was Helen’s first word? Mum. Water. 5.Who was the woman beside Helen ? Her teacher. Her mum. 三、Listen carefully and number the pictures. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 4 ) 1. Helen Keller was born in ________. 1818 1880 1890 2. She couldn’t hear. She was _______. blind deaf sad √ √ 四、Listen and tick. 3. She was blind. She couldn’t _______. hear see speak 4. But she could ______. learn sing draw 5. Her teacher drew ______ in her hand. picture names letters √ √ √ 6. Then Helen Keller learned to _____. write speak read 7. Later she learned to _______. write speak draw 8. She wrote a book about ______. the world herself her teacher √ √ √ 9. She lived to be _______. 77 87 97 10. She helped _______. animals pupils blind people √ √ 五、Read and answer: When was Helen Keller born? Where was she born? What couldn’t she do? 1.When was Helen Keller born? She was born in 1880. Yao Ming was born in 1980. This girl was born


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